Prediction Blog: Mewtwo vs Shadow (Pokemon vs Sonic the Hedgehog)
Thumbnails from Fans
Meme Thumbnails
“Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.”
-Albert Einstein
Mewtwo, the Ultimate Pokémon.
Shadow the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Lifeform.
Creation comes with purpose. Given life by genius scientists with the DNA of an alien after failed attempts, they were the hope of a doctor to rescue a beloved girl; the ultimate attempt of salvation. However, what if this purpose is turned into tragedy right before their eyes? Everything goes wrong - they couldn’t do what they were born to do. Taking the lives of who they treasured, these lifeforms swore a thing to humanity: revenge. But even after all the anger and loss; all the questioning about life, they would realize what they truly were, and thus give up their act of villainy and become heroes. We’ve seen these two fight before, but even after the many years that have passed, would the result still hold up to the modern days? Will the Strongest Pokémon be capable of proving that Shadow’s attempts of winning are irrelevant - or will the Black Jet Hedgehog prove that this is the end of Mewtwo, and the end of his cursed past? It’s to settle this genetic experiment rematch in a DEATH BATTLE!
Before We Start…
Strunton: In terms of media, we’ll be using a composite for both characters. For Mewtwo, we’ll be compositing every single Mewtwo across the Pokémon canon - the anime, games, TCG, Mystery Dungeon, nothing is off the table here. As for Shadow, we’ll be giving him the mainline games, IDW Comics, as well as auxiliary material from Sonic Chronicles, the Paramount movies, Sonic X etc. While these aren’t canon, they’re in the same range as much of the material Mewtwo is being given and don’t contradict much in canon, and add some more context to some of Shadow’s abilities. We’ll be using Archie for him as well as part of the full composite.
You might be wondering, though: what’s the deal with compositing Shadow with Archie? Isn’t this ruining the point of the debate? For that, you don’t need to worry. There will be a verdict that will split the debate into four different perspectives to go with the matchup. More on that will be explained in the Verdicts itself.
We hope you guys like this blog for such a beloved matchup! Also, please don’t just skip to the end, take your time to read the blog to check what you personally agree.
Flip: Gonna crash here to say some side notes you guys should be aware.
As always, I helped with the graphic stuff for our blog, but some of the images and GIFs you will see were done by L.A.D. and Aggravating_Floorgor too, who entered our artist team for the blog. Electrik also has some surprises for us. And while Cabbage, Yuix and Mikhael didn’t participate directly in this blog, they helped with some of the GIFs and calculations. The quality of this blog couldn’t have been achieved if it wasn’t for their help, so this is a huge thanks to all of them! You guys rock!
You’ll also probably meet familiar writing from many parts of the blog. Some members involved in this blog, like therealcalhoward, ishi_yuki, door-kun etc also participated in other blogs involving Sonic and Pokémon that might come to your mind, and that’s the reason why. Regardless, it’s safe to say we obviously had a little help, so we will give credits to where it should:
G1’s Bowser VS Eggman
Extinction Event’s Spike vs Ethan
Calcs and information from VS Battles Wiki
Both Sonic X Shadow Generations and Paramount’s Sonic 3 are being covered in this blog to some extent, these media are already online for a while and spoilers run free on Youtube, so please don’t complain about spoilers later on because you’ve been warned.
Like Strunt said, please don’t just skip to the end and read the full blog.
The 150th Pokémon registered in the Pokédex and cloned from Mew’s DNA, Mewtwo’s origins are steeped in tragedy and manipulation, a creation born not of natural wonder but of human ambition. Engineered as the ultimate Pokémon, he would come into the world by the efforts and immense grief from Dr. Fuji, who sought to resurrect his daughter, Amber, through cloning. With funding from Team Rocket, not only was Mewtwo born into this world, but a clone of Amber, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle as well. The small group of clones got along well, and together, they glimpsed what could have been a peaceful, innocent life. Yet, this fragile happiness was shattered when Ambertwo and the cloned Kanto starters' unstable life forces failed, leaving Mewtwo alone, burdened by the memory of loss and the question of why it alone survived.
As time passed, Mewtwo grew resentful of its creators, questioning its purpose and the cruelty of a world that treated it as nothing more than a tool. Manipulated by Giovanni, the head of Team Rocket, it was shaped into a weapon, its immense psychic powers exploited for destruction. But Mewtwo’s mind was not so easily controlled. Rejecting its creators, it broke free, determined to find its own meaning beyond the confines of servitude and experimentation. Its escape marked the beginning of a journey fraught with anger, confusion, and an existential quest to define itself. Mewtwo’s quest brought it into conflict with both humans and Pokémon, as it sought to prove its superiority as a means of asserting its worth. Yet, through these clashes, particularly with Ash and Pikachu, Mewtwo began to confront the complexity of existence and the value of life. The turning point came not through battle but through observing the resilience and kindness of those who stood against it.
Mewtwo’s story is one of self-discovery, of transcending the circumstances of its creation to forge its own identity. It learned that being born as a clone did not define its destiny, nor did the intentions of those who created it. Reflecting on its journey, Mewtwo came to embrace a profound truth: that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
Born from a collision of hope and despair aboard the Space Colony ARK, Shadow’s creation was driven by Dr. Gerald Robotnik’s desperation to save his ailing granddaughter, Maria. With many of his attempts resulting in failure, everything seemed dire for the scientist until a space alien by the name of Black Doom came into the picture. Striking a Faustian bargain with this stranger, Gerald’s scientific knowledge and Doom’s powers would come together to form the being that sought to defy mortality itself, a symbol of salvation, the ultimate lifeform. The ARK was more than a laboratory—it was a home. Maria’s warmth and innocence were the closest Shadow came to understanding humanity, enchanted by her curiosity, optimism, and unwavering belief in a better future. For a time, Shadow believed in that dream, because Maria was there to be the light to Shadow’s darkness. That all changed on one fateful day…
The government association known as G.U.N., fearing Gerald’s work, stormed the ARK in a brutal raid. Shadow watched helplessly as Maria was gunned down, her blood staining the cold steel of the station. In her final moments, she sent Shadow to Earth with a plea: “Please, Shadow, protect them… all the people on Earth.” What should have been a promise to inspire him instead became a curse. Her words haunted Shadow, her image seared into his mind as he drifted through stasis. When Dr. Eggman awakened him decades later, Shadow was a man without a past, fueled by vengeance and fragmented memories. Initially manipulated by Eggman into believing that fulfilling his creator’s revenge was his true purpose, Shadow sought to destroy the world that had taken everything from him. But his interactions with Sonic and the others began to challenge that belief, forcing him to confront the inconsistencies in his memories and the truth of Maria’s final wish.
Things got more complicated when Black Doom returned to cast a shadow over everything the hedgehog understood about himself. To learn that his existence was tied to alien DNA and that his creation was part of a deal to enslave humanity was a revelation that could have shattered him. But rather than crumble under the weight of this knowledge, Shadow rejected the idea that his origins defined him, proving that he was more than a pawn in anyone’s plan and defeated the Black Arms. Even with this victory, Shadow’s journey was far from over. The truth didn’t erase the scars left by Maria’s death or the weight of his memories. He had no illusions about the world—it wasn’t the place of hope and joy Maria dreamed of. It was cruel, broken, and full of contradictions. Yet, even if he sometimes doubts humanity’s worth, he believes in her vision of what it can become. Whether standing against alien invasions, Dr. Eggman’s schemes, or even if the whole world becomes his enemy, he will fight like he always had.
Mewtwo VS Shadow
Everyone knows about the infamous episode of DEATH BATTLE!, but beyond that lies a matchup that has unlimited potential and tons of supporters. Even outside the VS community, both Mewtwo and Shadow are compared in both the Pokémon and the Sonic communities. After all, they are really identical in many ways. Their backstories and tragedy, not to mention their character development, are practically the same, and their personalities are very similar. They are incredibly popular characters, so with the previously mentioned connections, it would be inevitable that fans would align the dots and think about these two’s similarities. If you want to check even more connections, you can support this post here. Give yourselves a read, it does a great job listing everything.
This matchup has been growing around the community because of a poll that the team did. As one of the many rewards of DEATH BATTLE!’s Kickstarter campaign, in September 2024, they gave fans an option to vote for a fight to get a rematch; a new take, a modern approach. And - of course - one of the options just so happens to be this. Because of the disappointment their fight was back in 2016 (and Shadow’s last episode being not bad, but not that good either), Mewtwo VS Shadow quickly grew as one of the most voted matchups in the poll. The support was really strong, and the passion was not hard to see. While it did unfortunately lose, not all hope is lost, and until today this matchup gets support and love each day. In fact, this is one of the reasons why this blog is being made in the first place! Taking the fact that Mewtwo hasn’t really had an episode at all since that, how creative and fun the approach in their versatility and abilities can go in a fight, and mix it with a good banter potential and a track that very possibly would not disappoint, you get a potential for a rematch that fans would love to see, and we’re all here for it. Hopefully, this gets a chance to happen in the future as an episode. Without further ado, let’s dig into the debate! Enjoy!
Experience and Skill
Mewtwo’s range of experience varies in different forms of media that Pokémon has expanded upon. After all, he was made to fight. In the games, Mewtwo is quite literally made to fight at the cost of having a savage heart, only thinking about ways to defeat its enemies. Mewtwo is the last opponent that Trainers fight, and it's well after said Trainer had become the champion of the Kanto region, meaning that Mewtwo poses as a genuine threat that could give the champ a run for their money if they aren’t prepared.Given Mewtwo’s status as a Legendary Pokémon and one of the most powerful, it is also highly sought after as well, such as when Giovanni of Team Rainbow Rocket got ahold of one and it was the strongest challenge that the Alolan Trainers had to compete with, given that Giovanni is also the leader of Team Rainbow Rocket, and together with other team leaders such as Archie, Ghetsis and Cyrus, he orchestrated the takeover from Festival Plaza and invaded Aether Paradise.
And this is just with the games alone, because in the many other canons, Mewtwo also proves its worth. In the anime, Mewtwo proved to be a genuine threat to Ash and company and only Mew stood any remote chance against it. After an ordeal involving Giovanni, it began its journey of self discovery and began to help others while staying in the shadows, helping several Pokémon who have been mistreated and when it encountered Ash and Goh, it was not only consenting to a battle between them, but he beat Pikachu, Cinderace and Lucario without much effort. Mind you, at this point Ash is already the champion of Alola. In the Adventures manga, Mewtwo has proven to be a strong foe and a stronger ally. It took the combined effort of Red and Blaine to ultimately weaken and capture Mewtwo and afterwards, it helps out other Dex holders such as Yellow, in battling Lance. It also helped out Red in his fight against Giovanni and Deoxys and later on, Mewtwo would become the guardian of the Pokémon Village, protecting them from Team Flare’s wrath and fighting against Zygarde, where it also displayed its abilities to Mega Evolve twice.
When it comes to fighting skills, Shadow is extremely competent, and has shown that when battling powerful psychics like Silver the Hedgehog, multiple of Eggman and Eggman Nega’s creations - even the likes of Metal Sonic and Metal Overlord -, martial art masters like Knuckles the Echidna, characters who could affect the entire multiverse like Solaris and Black Doom, and his rival, Sonic the Hedgehog. In fact, Sonic and Shadow have fought so many times that Sonic has considered Shadow his biggest rival, constantly stating that he matches him in ability. Shadow’s combat abilities were also good enough to defeat the robot Emerl, whose skill data that was strictly related to martial arts and weapon mastery caused Gerald Robotnik's strongest computer to crash upon trying to load it. That kind of impressive showing of his potential only goes further, as he eventually got into a training made by G.U.N., which was said to be the true test of his abilities. He did very well even early on, and was so impressive that it reached the top brass of the organization, impressing even the likes of Rouge the Bat; G.U.N.’s greatest agent. He also trained ninjutsu with Espio the Chameleon. Shadow’s amazing combat experience and skill is added with his blessed intelligence. In Sonic ‘06, he was registered to have an IQ of 200, and that is shown when - even without G.U.N. training - he’s a master of weapons like swords, hammers, katanas, and multiple firearms. He can pilot jeeps, motorcycles, jet gliders, and small walkers. It’s noteworthy that he also got through a motorcycle license test rank that only a few people in Soleanna were capable of getting through.
Also known as the M2 Bind, this armor’s purpose is to reign in Mewtwo’s power, focusing it in the process. It’s overall a detriment, but it is very durable. And it just looks cool.
Held Items
Items that are held by Pokémon. The effects of these items vary between healing to providing stat boosts in battle. A Pokémon can only hold one of these items at a time.
Looplets and Emeras (Debatable)
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Mewtwo has access to a special item known as a Looplet, which can store up to four Emeras at a time. The Emeras are exclusive to dungeons, disintegrate if not collected quickly but can reform from accumulated dust and vanish if removed from the dungeon. Mewtwo can also use Emeras on itself to slightly raise its stats depending on the type, but we will focus on what each one does inside a Looplet:
Clone Balls
Also known as Mewtwo Balls (neither are good names), these are warped versions of the standard Poké Ball. These Poké Balls are capable of capturing other Pokémon, even those that have already been captured or already residing in a ball.
Mewtwonite X and Y
Mega Stones that allow access to Mega Evolutions, a special phenomenon first spotted in the Kalos Region and is believed to tap into the hidden power (get it??) that dwells inside the Pokémon. Mewtwo is one of the lucky ducks to get 2 Mega Stones, which allow it to evolve into Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y respectively.
Hover Shoes
A pair of shoes designed by Maria and created by Gerald Robotnik. These shoes allow Shadow to propel himself at supersonic speeds, hover, and produce fire. The speeds it can reach have been able to allow Shadow to match characters like the blue blur himself.
Inhibitor Rings
As revealed in Gerald Robotnik’s Journal, they were designed by Maria and created by Gerald himself. These Rings are worn by Shadow around his wrists and ankles to suppress his Chaos Energy, so he can focus his power. While taking off these rings grants Shadow a significant boost in stats, it’ll cause him to tire out after short periods of time, so he tends to save them for singular attacks.
Ring-like objects that hold great power. Rings contain a unique form of energy called Ring Energy, which can be used to power machinery, boost stats, or rejuvenate someone’s stamina and abilities.
Silver uses rings to restore his powers
Rings are used to fill and restore Sonic’s boost gauge in various games
Rings can be used to boost Sonic’s speed in Sonic Riders
In most Sonic games, rings are used to protect characters from a deadly blow. While this is often seen as a gameplay mechanic, there are many instances throughout the series that suggest that these are how rings operate in canon. Whenever a character is hit by an attack, they lose the rings they’re carrying and have to collect them before they disappear.
In the Archie continuity, rings can be used to restore stolen speed, resist transmutation, and negate mind control. Mogul once used the energy of Power Rings to prevent his soul from “dissipating into the immaterial.”
Most Sonic games have the max amount of Rings collectable being 999, however, some other games can go beyond that. For instance, Sonic ‘06 can make you collect almost ten thousand Rings, and Sonic Speed Simulator can give you millions, trillions, and much more Rings!
Throughout his adventures, Shadow had access to a few different types of vehicles… for whatever reason. He’s faster than them, why does he need them? I guess it’s the rule of cool. The Dark Rider - Shadow’s iconic personal motorcycle made by G.U.N. - is his vehicle of choice, but there are others that he has shown to drive or pilot that are equipped with firearms and missiles, such as:
Memory Shards
Equipment Shadow uses to enhance his Chaos abilities. Using these shards will grant Shadow access to new Chaos forms and abilities.
Power Cores
Power Cores are a form of energy cores for machines that can be used to upgrade the skills of the playable characters in Sonic Heroes. They double the physical statistics of their user. Additionally, Power Cores generate an “EM shield” that can block technopathic abilities, as they did to Zavok.
Monitors that contain several power-ups that Shadow can utilize in his adventure. They have a variety of effects and all it takes is just breaking one of these open for their ability to take effect.
Speed Battle Power-Ups
Shadow is a Super Rare playable character in the mobile game Sonic Forces: Speed Battle. In this game, characters have a set of three power-ups that they can use in battle, as well as a shield if they are currently up in front and don’t need Boost power-ups. Shadow, as one of the characters in the roster, is no exception and possesses his own set of abilities. We’ll be also including many of Shadow’s power-ups from skins due to them being… Shadow, but with different clothes. In order to avoid confusion, though, we will list all the Shadow versions available in the game, except Movie Shadow and Sir Lancelot.
Shadow the Hedgehog
Vampire Shadow
Idol Shadow
Extreme Gear & Gravity Band
Extreme Gear are powerful hover technology that can be used for pseudo flight and transport. Shadow’s Extreme Gear is called Black Shot. He also has access to the Gravity Band, which he wears on his ankle. It allows the user to manipulate gravity, doing things like flight and manipulating one’s direction.
Sonic Rivals Items
Various elemental attacks and traps used in the Sonic Rivals games that Shadow has access to. These include the following:
Ice: Can shoot an orb that travels down until it hits a target or a wall. Can also be used to set down an ice cube. Both uses can freeze the opponent.
Fire: Can be used to create a fire shield that blocks an attack or throw out a fireball that tracks down its target
Lightning: Can zap the foe remotely or deploy decoy Rings , with both uses being able to paralyze the target
Mine: Can place a proximity mine that goes off when someone approaches it or utilize it as an explosive that goes for its target
Illusion: Distorts the vision of the foe
Ring Magnet: Allows users to pull in nearby Rings
Wind: Can trap foes in a tornado that leaves them unable to move briefly. Can be thrown forward or set as a trap
Glue: Glue that can restrain and slow the movements of anyone caught in it
Sonic Chronicles Items
Shadow can use various types of equipment in the game Sonic Chronicles. These items have various effects that can enhance physical stats and defenses, revive Shadow from a deadly blow, infuse attacks with elements, heal Shadow overtime, etc. Other items like the Immunity Idol protects Shadow from being inflicted with negative status effects. These status effects include being stunned or put to sleep, poisoned, weakened, etc.
A species of small winged creatures; cute, but deadly, as in Sonic Chronicles, Chao will grant characters various boosts in stats or special abilities. Shadow is no exception, as he can bond with the Chao available in the game to aid him in battle.
Alien lifeforms that grant Shadow a wide array of powers. Some wisp powers, like Green Hover and Purple Frenzy, were never used by Shadow, therefore the following are a list of color powers the wisps that Shadow has already used:
Support characters in Sonic Runners. They have general buff abilities. Some can revive Shadow upon defeat. You can see a full list of them here, the list is huge.
Pets and Trails
In Sonic Speed Simulator, you have several different ways of getting constantly faster, and these kinds of items help the process. There’s tons of different pets and trails in the game, and all of them have practically the same functions overall: they can increase your stats (damage, speed, jump height, energy, luck, and a few others), they can increase your Ring magnetism, they can make you collect hundreds to thousands of Rings just by collecting a single Ring, etc.
A full list of Pets in Sonic Speed Simulator can be found here, and a full list of Trails can be found here.
Chaos Emeralds
A set of mystical objects said several times to contain infinite power. Depending on the type of thoughts and motivations of their user, the Emeralds will generate positive or negative energy. Shadow can use both energies of the Chaos Emeralds to enhance his abilities and transform into a more powerful state called a Super form (See Transformations). In addition, if a Chaos Emerald’s power were to be drained by an outside source, Shadow can use his positive thoughts to recharge the Emeralds.
Blaze also states that Chaos Emeralds turn thoughts into power
Sonic recharges the Emeralds with positive energy after they were drained by Chaos
If the Emeralds are in close proximity, characters can call them towards them.
In addition, the Emeralds have shown the ability to protect Shadow from mind control and can restore him back to normal if his body is altered in any way. In Sonic X, the Chaos Emeralds also negated the effects of Dark Oak’s energy draining.
The Chaos Emeralds restored a Metal Virus infected Sonic back to normal
The Chaos Emeralds are stated to be capable of protecting Sonic from the Overmind’s mind control
Interestingly enough, the Sol Emeralds restored Sonic’s memories
Mewtwo condenses his Psywave attack into a comically large spoon that Mewtwo has weaponized. It wields this kitchen utensil using telekinesis or its bare hands. The spoon can also stab other beings, mainly poorly-written sprite animated black hedgehogs.
Various firearms that Shadow uses to gun down any and all opposition. Literally what else is there to say, they’re guns. Like all guns, they have ammunition and it becomes ineffective once it runs out. Some types of guns that Shadow uses include handguns, machine guns, rocket launchers, lock-on weapons and laser guns. Apparently, Shadow can also create guns out of his hands, as implied by Omega, so maybe that solves the ammunition problem. Weapons are being listed bellow:
Heal Cannon
Worm Shooter
Melee Weapons
In case guns weren’t enough for this rodent, Shadow also has access to several melee weapons he can use to beat down opponents with. Their only caveat is that they become ineffective after swinging them enough times.
Skills & Abilities
Same Type Attack Bonus
Also known as STAB, Pokémon that utilize attacking moves that are shared by their Typing receive a bit of an attack boost to their moves, allowing them to deal more damage as a result. In Mewtwo’s case, you can expect Psychic-type attacks to receive a boost.
Mewtwo, being a clone of Mew, possesses an immortal life force. It’s why he was the only remaining clone after the rest died due to instability.
Berserk Gene
A special item that is unique to Mewtwo. It greatly increases its Attack at the cost of being confused. In the Detective’s Pikachu storyline, a drug named R was created from Mewtwo’s cells, and its effects were that any Pokémon contaminated would go berserk, all due to his Berserker Gene.
One of Mewtwo’s Abilities. Pressure causes foes to use up more PP than normal. Other users of it have shown other effects as well. In the anime, a wild Entei makes opponents become more tense and nervous. The manga’s Deoxys makes it so that opponents can only use a powerful attack once a battle, and Cynthia’s Spiritomb and Cyrus’s Weavile make it so the opponent expends more energy in general than usual. Another usage Mewtwo has done with it is that it marginally increases his stats the more hits he lands on an opponent, specifically his attacking stats and attacking speed.
Moves that would be resisted due to the typing of the opponent or moves they’re immune to because of the typing will instead do normal damage.
Life Force
At the end of every turn, Mewtwo will heal his HP. If you guys let us make an unrelated comment here, the artwork makes Mewtwo look like a stand, lol.
Mewtwo has shown capabilities of flight, despite not being a flying-type Pokémon. Many such cases!
Energy Manipulation
Mewtwo can weaponize energy via energy spheres, beams of light or launching out a wave.
Physical Enhancements
By using its own psychic energy, it can enhance its own physical capabilities. It can even make psychic constructs to pummel foes with.
Mind Control
Mewtwo can control the minds of others. That’s not really much else to explain here, it’s that literal. Also, don’t search for this scene on Google, you’ll regret it.
Mind Reading
Mewtwo has the capabilities of reading another person’s mind and memories. It can even insert memories into people.
Memory Erasure
Mewtwo has been shown to be able to erase the memories of other people and Pokémon.
Mewtwo can communicate with others using its mind.
A move that causes the foe to fall asleep if it succeeds.
Mewtwo can sense others by utilizing its psychic energy
Mirage Clones
Mewtwo can create clones of itself. Touching one of these clones causes them to explode upon impact.
Weather Manipulation
Mewtwo can manipulate the weather to create storms.
Mewtwo’s attacks can cause petrification, whether on purpose or on accident. Mewtwo colliding with Mew in the anime infamously turned Ash into stone, and in the manga, colliding with Darkrai turned all the Pokédex Holders present to stone (this incident being important because these were allies of Mewtwo, and he obviously didn’t want them in that state).
A Psychic-type move in which a Mewtwo uses psychic energy to attack the foe. It has a chance of lowering the target’s Special Defense.
Shadow Ball
A Ghost-type move in which Mewtwo can throw a ball of ghostly energy to attack a single target. Like Psychic, it also has a chance of lowering the target’s Special Defense.
A Psychic-type move that does a random amount of damage based on Mewtwo’s level. This attack can be molded into a spoon and a fork or trap foes in it with a tornado.
Mewtwo’s signature attack. It’s a Psychic-type move where Mewtwo unleashes an odd psychic wave that targets a foe’s Defense instead of its Special Defense, despite being a Special Attack.
Mewtwo’s cells, being taken from Mew’s immortal life force, are capable of regenerating serious damage. He’s been stabbed through the chest and was fine afterwards. Most importantly, he was shot in the head in a fatal way, only to regenerate and was perfectly fine and pissed off.
A Normal-type move in which the user regenerates their cells in order to restore their health.
Soul Manipulation
In Detective Pikachu, Mewtwo has shown the ability to swap souls of people and Pokémon. While the plot of the story requires the Pokémon to be in an enraged state in order to swap, Mewtwo swapped the souls of Tim’s father and his Pikachu to save the former’s life, and neither were enraged.
Mewtwo can not only teleport itself, it can teleport other people and objects as large as a lake without even having to touch it. In Pokémon Unite, Mewtwo’s strength increases for a little while after teleporting.
Dimensional Rift Creation
Mewtwo has the capability of making rifts through space to access various dimensions to travel between or banish people to. It also has the capabilities of creating pocket dimensions.
A Psychic-type move that attacks the foe using psychic energy. It has a chance to confuse the target.
Future Sight
A Psychic-type move in which the user foresees an attack and then strikes back after some time has passed. In the anime, a Girafarig has used this move to outright see the future.
Psycho Cut
A Psychic-type move in which the user creates blades made of psychic energy and tears at the opponent. It has a much higher critical rate than normal. Despite this move normally being launched as energy crescents, in Pokken, Mewtwo uses this move like psychic swords.
Basically a psychic nuke. The move has a large area of effect. While in the TCG it’s just a really strong psychic attack, in Pokémon Unite there’s an even stronger version called Infinite Psyburn, where those hit are unable to act and also have their defense lowered on top of that, physical or special depending on what form Mewtwo is in.
Aura Sphere
A Fighting-type move in which the user throws a ball of aura at a target. The move never misses its target with the exception of underground foes and those high in the air.
A Normal-type move where the user throws out stars at their target. This move is homing and never misses its target.
A Fighting-type move in which the user grabs the opponent and does a mighty body slam into the ground, damaging both the user and opponent.
Hidden Power
A Normal-type move that does damage and changes typing (except Normal and Fairy) based on the individual values of the Pokémon utilizing the move.
Hyper Beam
A Normal-type move in which a destructive energy beam is shot forward by Mewtwo. Afterwards, some time must be spent to recharge their energy.
Focus Blast
A Fighting-type move where Mewtwo heightens its mental focus and unleashes a powerful blast that has a chance to lower the target’s Special Defense.
Drain Punch
A Fighting type-move where the user heals half the amount of the damage dealt to the foe.
Fire Punch
A Fire-type move in which the user punches its target with a flaming punch that has a chance to burn the target.
Ice Punch
An Ice-type move in which the user punches the target with ice that has a chance to freeze the target.
Thunder Punch
An Electric-type move in which the user punches the target with electricity and has a chance to paralyze the target.
An Ice-type move in which a powerful blizzard is generated and has a chance to freeze opponents. If it is hailing or snowing, the move will always hit its target except underground foes or those extremely high in the air.
An Electric-type move that blasts foes with lightning and has a chance to paralyze the target.
An Electric-type move that strikes the target with a mighty lightning bolt. It can strike foes high up in the air and if used while it is raining, it’s guaranteed to hit the foe, though if there’s harsh sunlight, the move’s accuracy drops. Has a chance to paralyze the foe.
A Fire-type move in which the user shoots flames towards the target and has a chance to burn the target.
A Ground-type move in which the user generates a powerful earthquake that attacks every enemy that can be hit by it.
Ice Beam
An Ice-type move where the user fires out a beam of ice towards the target. It makes funny noises and has a chance of freezing the target.
Stone Edge
A Rock-type move where the user stabs its target with the pointed edge of a rock. It possesses a high critical rate.
A Psychic-type move in which the user creates a barrier to greatly increase their Defense. Mewtwo has used it for bubble-like force fields in general, and even has a version where it doubles as a healing bubble.
A Fighting-type move where if the user is struck by any physical attack, they will retaliate with double the damage they took. In the anime, Mewtwo can simply just reflect the attack back without needing to be hit
His ass is not asleep
A Psychic-type move which makes the user fall asleep for a while to restore their health.
An Ice-type move that creates a special mist that prevents the user’s stats from being lowered by the opponent.
A non damaging Normal-type move in which Mewtwo can temporarily disable a move from the target. In the anime, the move has shown to paralyze the opponent as well (not the electric status effect, actual immobilization). In the game, the move only works on the last move used but in the anime it can be used to stop the opponent from using the move while they’re in the process (say Pikachu is about to use Thunderbolt. A user of Disable would activate the move to stop Pikachu from using Thunderbolt, even if it wasn’t the previously used move).
A Normal-type move which creates a barrier that automatically protects the user from one attack. Its chances of working are reduced upon repeated usage.
Power Swap
A Psychic-type move where it switches the user’s Attack and Special Attack boosts with that of the opponent.
Guard Swap
Psychic-type move that switches the user’s Defense and Special Defense boosts with the opponent’s.
A Normal-type move that temporarily prevents status effects from affecting the user.
A Psychic-type move that makes the user forget its concerns by emptying its mind, this greatly increases their Special Defense.
Nowhere to Hide (Debatable)
A Status Move performed with Giovanni. It raises Mewtwo’s evasiveness by one stat rank and raises its critical hit rate by two stat ranks. Might be debatable to actually give Mewtwo this move given he would not have outside help in the fight, but we are listing it here anyway.
Miracle Eye
A Psychic-type attack that never misses the target. It also has the ability to remove the immunity that Dark-type Pokémon have against Psychic-types, as well as improving the properties of some of Mewtwo’s other moves.
A move that can erase basic and Evolution Pokémon cards.
Reflect Shield
A shield that has a chance to not only protect Mewtwo from damage it would receive, but it can punish the enemy by attacking them back.
Darkness Switch/Damage Change
Mewtwo can swap the damage it has received with the damage that the opponent has received.
Reflective Barrier
A barrier that inflicts damage to the attacker equal to the damage that Mewtwo receives.
Psy Barrier
All damage and effects from a non Evolved Pokémon are nullified.
Photon Barrier (Debatable)
An ability exclusive to when you get all four V-UNION Mewtwo cards. This ability is passive, similar to Poké-BODY, and prevents all effects (not damage, effects) of attacks from the opponent's Pokémon done to Mewtwo. This ability is clearly non-standard to the average Mewtwo, Mewtwo EX etc, given it’s exclusive from a V-UNION 4-card junction and its gameplay mechanics, therefore we are listing it as debatable.
Mewtwo attacks the foe with potent enough psychic energy that it discards all active energy from them.
Energy Absorption
Mewtwo seemingly has the capabilities to absorb energy.
A Normal-type move that does damage relative to how much the user likes its Trainer.
Iron Tail
A Steel-type move in which the user hardens their tail like iron and smacks the foe with it. It has a chance of lowering the target’s defense.
Rock Slide
A Rock-type move that drops large boulders on the enemy, and has a chance to make them flinch from the attack.
Dynamic Punch
A Fighting-type move with a mere 50% accuracy but should this move land, it will confuse the opponent.
Energy Ball
A Grass-type move that throws forth an energy ball at the enemy, which has a chance of lowering their Special Defense.
Solar Beam
A Grass-type move in which the user charges up solar energy and releases it when fully charged. While it normally does take time to charge, if the weather condition is sunny, the attack can be used instantly. However, if it is hailing/snowing, foggy, or there’s a sandstorm, the damage is halved.
Electro Ball
An Electric-type move that hurls a ball of electricity to hit the target. The faster the user is than their opponent, the more damage this attack does.
Heal Pulse
A Psychic-type move that creates a damaging pulse that heals the user. It always hits its target except for underground or sky high foes. In the manga and TCG, the user can turn the move on themselves to heal themselves.
A Flying-type move that generates fierce winds to entrap the opponent in, dealing damage. The move also has a chance to confuse the target. If it is raining, the move cannot miss.
Trick Room
Mewtwo makes a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to move first for five turns.
Psych Up
A Normal-type move in which the user performs self hypnosis on themselves to copy all stat modifications the opponent has.
Me First
A Normal-type move in which the user attempts to move before the opponent by copying their attack and adding extra power to it. It will always land a hit on its foe except for sky high and underground targets. The move fails if the target does not attack with a damaging move.
Life Dew
A Water-type move in which the user sprinkles mystical water around them and allies to heal them.
Laser Focus
A Normal-type move that makes the user concentrate so intensely that their next hit is guaranteed to be a critical hit.
A series of powerful moves that can be performed when holding a Z-Crystal. These moves can cause devastating effects on anyone who is on the receiving end. Status moves can also be enhanced by the Z-Crystals, giving them a far greater effect such as restoring health, stronger stat boosts and fixing any lowered stats.
Mewtwo has shown resistances to the following things:
Fighting-Type Moves
As a Psychic-type, Mewtwo is naturally resistant to Fighting-type attacks (Pokémon ones, before someone says any bullshit). Most of these moves consist of a series of physical combat attacks, sometimes even energy blasts.
Psychic-Type Moves and Mental Attacks
Psychic-type Pokémon like Mewtwo are also resistant to other Psychic-type attacks; energy waves, types of telekinesis or mental attacks, etc. Mewtwo can also resist mind controlling technology specifically designed for it.
Extreme Temperatures
Not only can Mewtwo survive and breathe in space, he can endure powerful flame attacks like Flamethrowers.
Mewtwo was able to survive an attack that turns its victims into stone.
Sleep Inducement
Mega Mewtwo Y’s Ability is Insomnia, which prevents it from falling asleep.
Shadow was stated to have a body that never ages, as well as being stated to be ageless.
Spin Attack and Dash
A jumping attack where Shadow spins rapidly in the air to cut through objects and opponents. Shadow can also perform a Spin Attack while rolling on the ground and can even charge up speed for such an attack with an ability called the Spin Dash. The Spin Dash is a "power-packed maneuver" involving breaking out into a "supercharged launch", that involves spinning in place to build up speed and momentum for high-speed movement. Increasing speed to such a degree to completely blitz opponents to the point of them nearly not moving from the user's perspective, even when said enemies were previously blitzing the user before hand. It allows users to move through walls and ceilings without falling, generate powerful shock waves that can lift nearby heavy objects into the air, and grant energy to use abilities. Users can see what's around them when spinning (be it a Spin Jump or Spin Dash) due to "kinetic eyesight" and potentially "a bit of instinct". Using the Spin Dash also circumvents the user being hindered by passive speed penalties.
Homing Attack
Shadow performs a mid-air Spin Attack that homes in on opponents. He can also just teleport into the nearest enemy this way.
Shadow propels himself slightly above ground with his hover skates with a red aura around his body that protects him from collision damage. He also moves a lot faster when boosting, blowing away anything in his path.
While in the air, Shadow rockets directly downward, descending in a crouching position. Upon landing, he'll release a destructive shock-wave which damages the nearby surroundings and enemies.
Light Speed Dash/Light Speed Attack
The Light Speed Dash allows Shadow to travel along a trail of rings at light speed. The Light Speed Attack allows Shadow to rapidly attack enemies at light speed.
Black Tornado
Shadow rapidly spins around enemies to create a miniature tornado. This can fling enemies into the air, disorient them, or disarm them of held items.
Fire Somersault
A somersaulting that can be used to harm enemies. The somersault gains a fire attribute with the Flame Ring equipped.
Chaos Control
Shadow’s signature move. The ability to warp time and space or empower oneself with the aid of a Chaos Emerald. The more Chaos Emeralds a character has, the more enhanced Chaos Control will become. While Shadow is capable of using Chaos Control on his own to teleport or stop time, Chaos Emeralds are required to utilize more advanced techniques.
The main use of Chaos Control is to teleport either the user or an object through space. This can work across dimensions or be applied to large objects. Supposedly, Chaos Control’s range is limited, but the exact limit is unknown.
Chaos Control can be used to warp at high speeds.
Chaos Control can seal opponents, even spiritual ones, in another object or person, or even a dimension, and the hedgehogs themselves do this twice in Sonic 06. This was seen again in 06 when Iblis was merged inside Elise’s soul. This is supported by events in the canon timeline as well, as seen in Sonic Frontiers, since the Ancients utilized the Emeralds to forge Cyber Space, harnessing its cyber energy to influence, trap or encode souls. In Sonic Adventure, Tikal sacrificed her body to strip Chaos of his power and seal him away within Master Emerald with her own spirit.
Time Manipulation
Chaos Control can slow down or stop time. While the limit of the time stop’s duration in canon is unknown, Chaos Control is capable of stopping time for 90 seconds in Sonic X, and Shadow implies in Sonic X Shadow Generations that he would freeze Maria and Gerald in time forever. Somehow, Chaos Control can be activated in White Space despite there being no time in it.
Using Chaos Control, Shadow can create small orbs that can induce confusion on opponents or trap them for a short amount of time.
Reality Warping
In Archie, Chaos Control can be used to warp the fabric of reality. Characters like Sonic and Mega Man have used the ability to turn back time and counteract the Super Genesis Wave and reset the multiverse.
Space-Time Distortion Attacks
Shadow can create space-time distortions with his fists and attacks. Some of these attacks will be listed in detail down below.
Chaos Snap
A short range teleport, used for attacking foes.
Chaos Spear
One of his most iconic attacks; bolt projectiles made of Chaos Energy that Shadow can throw at enemies. The attack can briefly paralyze foes and has armor-piercing properties. It can even track opponents and bypass barrier techniques.
Chaos Lance
A powered up version of Chaos Spear used to impale enemies. They were able to drain Neo Metal Sonic of his Super transformation, stripping him of his energy and leaving him in a state similar to exhaustion despite him being an inorganic machine that is said to have limitless stamina.
Chaos Blast
A large explosion of Chaos Energy, devastating anything around the area. Shadow can release the blast in a circular explosion or as an energy beam attack from his hands. He can use it repeatedly at the cost of consuming Chaos energy.
Chaos Burst
Shadow uses Chaos Control to teleport in an area of distorted space. When emerging from the distorted space, Shadow is surrounded by a powerful explosive sphere of energy that damages opponents. Its Air variation allows Shadow to disappear from the air and surprise the opponent directly below with a space-time vortex around him.
Chaos Magic
Shadow uses Chaos Control to create an area of distorted space that damages opponents. Shadow can control where this rift appears, allowing him to attack from a distance. Its Air variation makes the distortion of space-time go from the air to the ground diagonally below.
Roaming Chaos
In both Ground and Air variations, Shadow uses Chaos Control to create an orb of distorted space that follows opponents around the battlefield. It damages opponents if they come in contact with it.
Chaos Nightmare
Shadow distorts space with his fists to blast away opponents.
Chaos Upper
Shadow distorts space with a single fist to create an energy sphere that launches opponents into the air.
Shadow Guard
Shadow uses Chaos Control to create a spherical shield that blocks incoming attacks. It can block even moves that can OHKO him with the Ichikoro Gauge.
Shadow Heal
Shadow uses Chaos Energy to restore his health.
Chaos Rift
An attack where Shadow will create a rift in time/space that can BFR foes. It also causes the opponent to become dizzy, which lowers attack accuracy.
Ichikoro Gauge
In Sonic Battle, the Ichikoro Gauge - once charged - lets you OHKO an opponent with any attack. While it can be blocked (and when you use the Gauge, it is completely drained, and you have to fill it again), it would prove itself very useful for Shadow if he manages to land a hit.
Chaos Shift
An ability shown in Sonic Dream Team, which allows Shadow to slow down time with his Chaos Emerald to dash him forward in a green aura.
Danger Sense
Akin to his blue rival, Shadow has shown to sense trouble multiple times like Venom and Spider-Man. He mentions he feels danger all around him in Adventure 2, he can tell that something intense is about to happen in Heroes, he successfully senses someone (Metal Sonic) and tells him to reveal himself in Rivals 2, and he alarmed Rouge to not touch the Chaos Emerald because Ifrit immediately jumps out of lava in ‘06.
Chaos Regeneration
An ability shown in Sonic X by Super Sonic and Super Shadow, but shouldn’t be out of the range for base Shadow. Similar to Shadow Heal, Chaos Regeneration serves as a healing attack to prevent death. In the anime, it was used as an energy projectile to save Cosmo, but it ended up turning her into a seed.
Shadow is either resistant or immune to the following abilities:
Extreme Temperatures
Shadow has resisted extreme temperature conditions several times. He survives fine in space, withstood multiple fire attacks and is unphased in fire dominant places, withstood freezing attacks from Eggman and Eggman Nega, and has endured being zapped by electric rails and G.U.N. Beetles
Diseases and Lethal Substances
Shadow was created as the Ultimate Lifeform. Project Shadow was aimed to curing Maria’s disease and as a way to discover immortality.
Shadow can survive exposure to the contaminated waters of Prison Island and toxins of the Black Arms, as well as being capable of traveling through Chemical Plant without repercussions, which is filled with deadly toxins and the purple pollution water
Shadow withstands the acid of poison frogs with no negative side effects. Due to having Black Arms DNA, he's immune to the gas emitted by the Black Comet coming in contact with the Earth's atmosphere; this causes a chemical reaction, turning into deadly poisonous gas that will paralyze the victim's nerve cells. Prolonged exposure to the Black Comet's gas causes the victims to lose consciousness.
Mind Manipulation
Shadow is immune to Black Doom’s and Ifrit’s mind control. The Chaos Emeralds are also capable of negating mind control as well.
Chaos Emeralds absorbs the energy of Eggman’s brainwashing laser
The Chaos Emeralds are stated to be capable of protecting Sonic from the Overmind’s mind control
Shadow resists Ifrit’s mind control
Mind and Soul Corruption
Shadow was able to resist the influence of the Doom Powers on his mind and soul to gain their power and claim it as his own despite Black Doom's intent for otherwise.
Battlefield Removal
Just touching a Chaos Emerald can let Shadow leave other dimensions such as the Special Stages.
Technology Manipulation
Shadow’s Air Shoes were not affected by Mephiles bursting out of the Scepter of Darkness, which disabled the other machines next to it.
Matter and Antimatter
Shadow is immune to matter and antimatter attacks.
Shadow withstood attacks by the Particle Beam Cannon from Heavy Dog and Blue Falcon
Sonic and Shadow fight Diablon, who has an antimatter cannon
Time Stops
Shadow moves through Devil Doom’s Chaos Control, and Metal Overlord also became immune by copying Shadow’s Chaos Control.
He can resist being turned into Rings by the Chaotix Recital, and should be comparable to the likes of Sonic - as they are stated to be equal in abilities -, who can simply break free from petrification. The Chaos Emeralds cure the Metal Virus, which converts organic tissue into a metal-like substance. In Archie, the Chaos Emeralds have been used to undo transmutation as well.
It was noted that Shadow was capable of running off the Metal Virus with his speed similar to Sonic
Zavok is unaffected by the Metal Virus when channeling the power of a Chaos Emerald
Ixis uses a Chaos Emerald to revert Bunnie’s roboticized limbs back to normal
Shadow shows some immunity to paralyzing moves.
Shadow can break free from Silver’s psychokinesis. In order to actually grab Shadow, you need to stun him
Time Eater's Erasure
Shadow managed to withstand Time Eater’s erasure, which erased all of time and space. Including realms like Maginaryworld (that would include destroying the dreams that people have which are representations of parts of the dreamer's mind or the emotions they represent - also debatably conceptual in nature) and Cyber Space (a realm comprised of fundamental information with souls, data, and memories).
Power Nullification
The Doom Zone disables Chaos Control whenever it is activated. Despite this, Shadow was able to use Chaos Control against Neo Devil Doom.
Chaos Control is disabled throughout the entirety of Radical Highway and the Devil Doom boss fight
Shadow uses Chaos Control to break out of Neo Devil Doom’s Chaos Control
Interestingly enough, Chaos Emeralds also restore Shadow’s Chaos Control after it has been disabled in the Archie continuity.
Touching an Emerald restores Shadow’s Chaos Control after its been disabled by Feist
Holowear are cosmetic options for Pokémon, offering holographic clothing that players can obtain and equip onto their Pokémon. These styles can physically alter Mewtwo's Unite Move, Scoring, Returning, KO Effect, and Movement. Players can acquire Holowear from Zirco Trading, Energy Rewards, and special events. They consist of:
Martial Arts Style
Besides giving Mewtwo an outfit that is the weirdest cross between Chun-Li and Donald Duck, it works just like Luigi in Mario Party: does absolutely nothing.
Pokébuki Style
If Mewtwo puts on a Kabuki outfit, he will get cooler movement animations, but nothing more than that.
Dark Lord Style
If Mewtwo puts on this suit that out-edges Shadow, he will receive different visuals for their Unite Move, Scoring, Returning, KO Effect and Movement.
Mewtwo the Unrivaled
Also known as Tera Mewtwo or Terastal Mewtwo. The Terastal phenomenon is a temporary transformation, giving the creature a gem-like appearance and changing its type. In the TCG, Mewtwo has the Electric-type Tera Jewel (as you can see on the render). There, Tera Mewtwo ex will not receive any damage from attacks done by either player while on the bench. Given he uses the Electric Jewel, his weakness and resistance will change to those of the electric-type Pokémons, while still using the psychic energy for attacks. In Scarlet/Violet he uses the Psychic-type Tera Jewel (this goes against the entire point of even using a Tera Jewel but we didn't make the game). In this form, Mewtwo’s psychic moves start at 2x power instead of the 1.5x from STAB. Mewtwo can also purge themselves from status effects and stat debuffs at will, as well as negate the opponent’s own buffs and temporarily suppress their ability, but the most important thing Mewtwo gets here is the Tera Shield. Once activated, it fuses with around 3/4 of the remaining health bar. So, if Mewtwo heals himself, it restores the Tera Shield by the same amount it healed the user. The shield also grants a significant buff in both of Mewtwo’s defenses, gives complete immunity to any and all status moves, and all moves that reduce HP without a set number (ie: Super Fang, Pain Split, Ruination, etc) and OHKO moves are negated. That being said, it isn’t all perfect, as this shield can be broken. When this happens, it causes temporary inactivity, and it also means that they’re moments away from defeat.
A phenomenon from the Galar region as a byproduct of Eternatus’ energy leaking out and creating special zones all over the Galar region. Dynamax allows a Pokémon to grow into a colossal size, which enhances all of their stats and gives them access to Max Moves. This power is temporary though and a Pokémon can only undergo Dynamax once per battle, though Mewtwo, being canonically encountered in Dynamax Raids, can remain in it until defeated, like other Raid Pokémon.
Mega Mewtwo X
One of Mewtwo’s Mega Evolved forms, using the Mewtwonite X to achieve it. With this form, it gains a boost to all of its stats, especially its Attack. It also gains a Fighting typing alongside its Psychic type, meaning its fighting type moves get a STAB bonus (note: STAB is mentioned as a boon in the manga and therefore isn’t game mechanics), and its Ability is Steadfast, which increases Mega Mewtwo’s speed everytime it flinches. Furthermore, it can extend its limbs for Luffy-like punches and kicks.
Mega Mewtwo Y
Mewtwo’s other Mega Evolved form, achieved with Mewtwonite Y. While its Defense takes a bit of a hit, it makes up for with a chunky boost to both its Special Attack and Special Defense stats, while still boosting the other stats too. It remains as a Psychic type while its Ability becomes Insomnia, preventing it from falling asleep.
Shadow Mewtwo
A state Mewtwo enters when being corrupted by the Shadow Synergy Stone’s possession. This version of Mewtwo wreaks havoc across its opponents as it attacks with devastating combos and wrathful versions of existing moves; growing endless by means of continuously absorbing Synergy Energy. This version of Mewtwo is extremely powerful, but it comes with a cost: Shadow Mewtwo loses HP by every move. He also gains new abilities, like slowing and reversing time and distorting the space around itself, creating entire separate dimensions out of nothing. He can also erase said dimensions as easily as creating them.
Like regular Mewtwo, Shadow Mewtwo is capable of Mega Evolving into Mega Mewtwo X. When Mega Evolved, Shadow Mewtwo no longer loses HP, and gains a new, ultimate attack called Dark Nova, where he charges up and throws a sphere of pure destructive energy, which completely engulfs the planet in darkness.
Hero Shadow
A powered up state of power Shadow can enter by utilizing positive Chaos Energy. The brave hearted hero gains complete invincibility to any physical damage and can use weapons without wasting ammo and it enhances his Chaos Control abilities that deal with movement and time manipulation allowing him to breeze by enemies at fast speeds or slow down time for anyone standing in his way. Basically, the blueprints for Good Cole.
Dark Shadow
A powered up state that Shadow can enter by utilizing negative Chaos Energy. This black hearted evil has his durability and attack power increased and is also invincible to any damage. His Chaos Blast technique also becomes extremely devastating with this state. He also can use any weapon without draining its ammo count. The form only lasts for a limited amount of time and using Chaos Powers shortens the time span. Basically, this is Evil Cole’s blueprints.
Chaos Boost
An enhanced state of power Shadow can enter by collecting Life Orbs or Chaos Drives in ‘06. Chaos Boost enhances Shadow’s Chaos Powers and makes him less susceptible to damage.
Super Shadow
By drawing out the full power of the seven Chaos Emeralds, Shadow can transform into the almighty Super Shadow. Shadow typically requires 50 rings in addition to the Chaos Emeralds to start the transformation, and burns through said Rings at a rate of one ring per second because of the sheer infinite power. In this state, Shadow is granted flight, infinite stamina, and the form greatly increases Shadow’s physical abilities. He can also stack Hero Mode, Dark Mode, or take off his Inhibitor Rings for even more power. Super Cole smh.
On top of this amazing power, Super Shadow gains magnificent abilities, such as:
Invulnerability: Super states are stated innumerous times to be completely invincible to conventional, physical damage; consistent with the series always showing that they are only harmed by other sources powered by Chaos energy as well.
Positive Aura Energy: Because Super Shadow channels the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds, he can pacify evil creatures. Sonic uses this to neutralize the evil energies of Chaos and the Mother Wisp.
A Super form’s aura is quite explosive. Upon transforming, its golden aura can deal damage to others upon contact, and expanding it can generate explosions. Their auras also have been shown to have electricity and immense heat, so strong that it instantly vaporizes the Metal Virus, in spite of it constantly regenerating from Sonic's attempts to burn it off and being able to withstand the heat of Shadow's Chaos Spears and Rocket Shoes' jets.
After-Images: Simple movement made by Super forms can generate after-images.
Ring Attraction: A Super form user can attract Rings to them.
Ring Regeneration: If they’re not focusing on fighting, a Super form can regenerate Rings to increase its time limit.
Power Bestowal: Super forms can pass their Chaos energy to others, making allies obtain their own Super transformations to help in battle.
Energy Enhancement: Chaos energy users on this level are able to use Chaos energy to amplify their power to great extents, such as when Team Super Sonic harmed Metal Overlord with their supercharged attacks despite Metal Overlord being immune to any damage from their regular attacks and supercharged attacks against Solaris can do enough damage to break his shell, despite regular attack also not working..Additionally, certain charged attacks amplify the user's speed to the point of outpacing enemies with comparable speed.
Energy Projection: They can “shoot pew pews” that are also capable of homing onto enemies, even multiples at once.
Spear of Light: Super Shadow can absorb light to strengthen himself and allow him to use the Spear of Light - amplified versions of his Chaos Spear that can come in bigger quantity. Omega states that those spears can even close dimensional portals.
Duplication: Super forms can create several hollow energy duplicates to aid in an attack.
Creation: Super forms can create multiple constructs to strike an enemy, varying from constructs of hands and shoes for punches and kicks, to chains for restriction and swords to stab and hold them in place.
Resistances: Super forms make the user immune to mind control, reality warping and transmutation, such as the previously mentioned Metal Virus.
Shadow Evolved
A powered up state Shadow evolves into after unlocking the ability to rip-off Venom all of his Doom Powers. In this state, Shadow is also invulnerable, and boosts Shadow’s physical abilities. Unlike his more famous Super form, it’s suggested that Shadow should not remove his Inhibitor Rings in this state, or else he’ll likely dry and explode his energy. While the Wing form in gameplay does lose Rings, it’s all likely just a gameplay mechanic. Lore wise, Shadow transformed into Shadow Evolved before going to the last levels, and went through all the two acts of Radical Highway until the final boss, where he still keeps up the form. He only gave up the transformation when Black Doom was defeated, and White Space was healing again.
The form also lets Shadow tap into the mysterious Doom Powers that he discovers and learns to use during Sonic X Shadow Generations. They consist of:
Doom Spears
Doom-enhanced versions of Shadow’s Chaos Spears. It allows Shadow to shoot five of these amplified spears at once.
Doom Blast
This Doom power makes Shadow aggressively strike his opponents with a series of punches and kicks before launching them away with powerful kicks.
Doom Surf
Shadow generates a Manta ray-like creation to move on water with no difficulty. It can also reflect projectiles.
Doom Morph
A unique ability that turns Shadow into a Doom gooey creature with tendrils for grappling that allows him to travel beneath the ground and along the walls. The Doom Morph can also go through grates and similar surfaces.
Doom Wing
The last and most powerful Doom Power. Shadow creates a pair of wings that let him fly and reflect upcoming projectiles. On top of that, it makes him completely invincible to conventional damage.
Considered one of the strongest Pokémon in the world
Defeated many Pokémon such as Pikachu, Lucario and Cinderace
Fought other Legendary Pokémon such as Mew, Zygarde and Deoxys
Fought Kanto Champion Red
Helped out other PokeDex holders
Understood the circumstances of life
Protects other Pokémon from intruders
Made a huge comeback in Smash Bros. 4
Giovanni suggests that Mewtwo can “burn the entire world to nothing” with its power
Sends Arcanine back with Psychic, and later again with Nidoking
Created a large hurricane with its psychic powers (521.2 kilotons - 24 megatons of TNT)
Easily blasts away Ash’s Lucario’s Aura Sphere and Goh’s Cinderace’s Pyro Ball and sends them flying
Physically overpowers Goh’s Cinderace and Ash’s Lucario several times
Mega Mewtwo Y is stated to crush a skyscraper to smithereens with a mere thought
Psychic energy crosses over a kilometer in a fraction of a second (Mach 87.1)
Reacts to Ash’s Pikachu’s Iron Tail and Goh’s Cinderace’s Blaze Kick
Reacts to a Quick Attack from Ash’s Pikachu and a surprise Blaze Kick from Goh’s Cinderace
Mega Mewtwo X is stated that it can clear 100 meters in 2 seconds (50 m/s, Subsonic)
Withstands being blasted by electricity and then hit hard enough to shatter rock upon impact
Survives a Fire Blast from Red’s Mega Charizard X, this time without Barrier
Survives Red’s Mega Charizard X landing a Mega Punch, though was damaged enough to ultimately be captured
Saved the world numerous times
Sacrificed himself against the Finalhazard
Defeated Dr. Eggman, the Black Arms, Biolizard, Metal Overlord, Mephiles, Devil Doom
Considered to be Sonic’s equal
With Sonic and Silver, defeated Solaris
Prevented Black Doom from taking over space-time itself
He is really into Rouge
Is capable of destroying hoards of robots just by running through them
Doom Spears could easily break Biolizard’s life support system
Evaporates several Mephiles clones by boosting after removing his Inhibitor Rings
Super Sonic and Super Shadow teleport the Ark back into orbit
Super Sonic and Super Shadow splits the Planet Seed (39 zettatons of TNT)
Super Shadow’s Spears of Light are capable of shattering Solaris’ armor
Can react and control his movements while travelling a lightspeed circuit (7.87c)
Restores time and space with his speed
Chaos Control warps Shadow away from the Paradox Prism’s explosion
Gets blasted into a stone pillar by an attack from Mephiles and he still lands on his feet
Super Shadow survives Solaris’ world ending lasers
Super Shadow resists the gravitational pull of a wormhole
Super Shadow survives Final Mova’s destruction
Wild Pokémon
Mewtwo’s status as a legendary Pokémon means he is on a level that is far greater than most wild Pokémon, and it should naturally scale to the best stuff that they can perform, given how it should certainly be stronger than many of them. Not to mention, it has almost all of their DNA via being a clone of Mew, who has the DNA of almost every Pokémon.
Pidgeot can fly at Mach 2
Machamps can pick up mountains, knock trains away and its punches are said to be on a megaton level
Machamps can also throw out 1000 punches in just 2 seconds
Gardevoirs can generate a small black hole
Nidokings can snap telephone poles like matchsticks and can pierce diamonds
Magikarp’s survive a bomb that dried up Lake Valor and caused an earthquake that can be felt all the way to Canalave City (58 megatons of TNT)
Dragonair creates a horizon spanning storm (840 kilotons of TNT)
A group of Slowpokes cause rain in Azalea City (5.5 kilotons of TNT each)
Ampharos’ light can be seen from space (11.4 - 35.9 kilotons of TNT)
Dugtrio can cause earthquakes felt for 60 miles (3.8 - 20.6 megatons of TNT)
Trainer Pokémon
Mewtwo still manages to provide a challenge to many Pokémon who have been caught by a trainer. In Origins, Mewtwo cornered Red’s Charizard to the point it had to Mega Evolve to stand a better chance against the Psychic Pokémon. And this was shortly after Red had become the Kanto region Champion. So we can reasonably assume that Mewtwo would be comparable to Pokémon that have been trained.
Lance’s Dragonair can nuke a city
Red’s Bulbasaur can make a large explosion
Giovanni’s Nidoking can create an earthquake that took down the Viridian City Gym
May’s Squirtle makes it snow in Fuschia City (978.2 kilotons of TNT)
Riley’s Lucario blocks an explosion that would’ve destroyed Iron Island (24.3 megatons of TNT each)
Legendary Pokémon
Legendary Pokémon in the Pokémon series are typically the highest levels of threats in each Generation of Pokémon games, usually being awoken or used by the antagonists of the game to further their goals. Mewtwo is not only considered one of these Legendary Pokémon, but it’s also been shown to be comparable, if not superior to some of the other regional legends in many side materials.
Tornadus can move at 200 MPH
Tornadus can also cause severe storms and blow houses away
Mega Rayquaza stopped the Grand Delta Meteor
Zygarde disperses clouds
100% Zygarde destroyed the Megalith, which would have surface wiped the planet (183 petatons of TNT)
Groudon and Kyogre’s fight with each other flooded a majority of the Hoenn region and created intense drought that could last days
Kyogre has also been stated that it can create rain clouds that cover up the sky and created tidal waves
Kyogre nearly lowered global temperature, it’s effects on Kalos only being prevented due to Olympia’s forewarning (701 teratons of TNT)
Lugia can make a storm that lasts 40 days (468 megatons - 497 gigatons of TNT)
A Kyogre made of seawater nearly sank all of the Battle Frontier
Groudon can raise landmasses
Yveltal covers the planet
Ultra Beasts
A special group of extradimensional Pokémon from Ultra Space that are absolutely bizarre in nature. The only thing that isn’t bizarre about them though is how much they love to fight, and give Alolan trainers a pretty tough challenge to deal with, especially when they got to catch all of them. Nihilego even manages to merge itself with Lusamine and uses her as a vessel for battle before it is defeated by a worthy enough Trainer. Mewtwo should be considered as stronger threat than the Ultra Beasts by the time the Rainbow Rocket storyline begins in USUM so we do have merit on scaling Mewtwo to the Ultra Beasts
Ultra Necrozma can absorb the light of Ultra Space
Buzzwole can pulverize a dump truck with one punch
Guzzlord has been stated to eat mountains and buildings
The Creation Trio
The Legendaries hailing from Sinnoh and the big dogs of the entire universe. They’re not only the most powerful Pokémon from Sinnoh but they’re the ones responsible for the creation of the entire Pokémon universe. Whether or not you believe this to be consistent with every version of Mewtwo, it will be addressed in Before the Verdicts explaining the possible scaling chains.
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina birthed the time, space, matter, and antimatter of the multiverse
Under the orders of Rainbow Rocket Cyrus, Dialga/Palkia created a new universe
Giratina created a dimensional rift which would consumed creation (See Before the Verdicts)
Sonic the Hedgehog
The fastest thing alive, and Shadow the Hedgehog’s hue-shifted rival. The two have gone toe-to-toe several times throughout the series and are portrayed and stated to be equals throughout. Both have been shown several times to take out the same threats and many of their own battles with each other are considered to be close. It would be very reasonable that Shadow should scale to Sonic.
Sonic dodges light beams from Hotaru
Broke the chain link connected to Little Planet (3.282 teratons of TNT)
Sonic Adventure DX’s manual states that Sonic is hypersonic
Omega states that Sonic can exceed light speed
Overclocks the SPD meter in Sonic Unleashed (11.42c)
In Sonic Prime, dodges beams that are referred as lasers (17030c) (Debatable)
Sonic dodges and outpaces Cyan Lasers, which move at light speed (2.3c)
Sonic outruns the gravitational pull of Violet Void black holes. Violet Void black holes are stated to have event horizons
Sonic is fast enough to activate warp panels and travel through time
According to Sonic CD’s JP manual, characters need to move at light speed to activate the warp panels
Sonic is fast enough to break out of Null Space and Cyber Space levels, entire other dimensions
Prism-amped Sonic runs so fast he high-fives with himself (Debatable)
Dr. Eggman
Sonic’s eternal enemy. Over the years, the mad doctor has constructed numerous contraptions to hamper Sonic’s progress and sink the planet into his dominion countless times, and yet, that wretched hedgehog just keeps beating him over and over again. Shadow has also proven to be a thorn in Robotnik’s side several times, and is fully capable of taking down his creations as well, meaning we should be able to scale Shadow to the Eggman, his rad genius, and his bad minions.
Eggman survives a mountain exploding
Survives this explosion encompassing a section of the planet’s surface
Survives crashing into his fortress, which blows up right after
Emerl absorbs the Final Egg Blaster, which can destroy multiple stars in one shot (465 ExaFOE)
The Final Egg Blaster reaches a star cluster in seconds (6 billion c to 60 billion c)
Eggman’s Cognitive Friction collecting antenna had the power the blow up the planet four times over
The Egg Mobile survived being sucked into a Hyper-go-on black hole (2.7 Gigatons to 1.048 Zettatons)
Team Dark and Others
The Sonic cast tends to be comparable to one another whenever they’re going on adventures together, something that is no different for Team Dark. Sometimes they’re beating each other up for sport. Some of them have even fought Sonic and Shadow before as well and tend to provide a challenge to them. We can obviously scale Shadow to both Team Dark and Sonic’s friends.
The Sonic cast fights Master Core ABIS. Master Core ABIS creates a black hole that was going to suck in the planet (6.5 FOE)
Knuckles punches a receiver hard enough to create an explosion
Silver stops the Death Egg from moving and Blaze destroys it
Silver’s psychokinetic barrier blocks 0.5% of the Eclipse Cannon’s full power
The world of the Arabian Nights is disappearing because of Erazor Djinn, who is absorbing the book world
Chaos Emeralds
Shadow in his base form can match several characters who can at least scale to the basic feats that one or a few Chaos Emeralds can perform, and because Shadow’s Super form draws out the “full power” of the Chaos Emeralds, he should scale to basically any feat they’re capable of.
When powered by 6 Chaos Emeralds, the Eclipse Cannon destroys half of the moon
Sonic’s control over the Chaos Emeralds prevented this from happening
Eggman uses Chaos Control to split the planet into seven regions
A single Chaos Emerald moves a piece of the planet (50 Yottatons of TNT)
Dark Oak uses the Chaos Emeralds to condense Planet Aqurius into a seed
The Ancients used the Chaos Emeralds to create Cyberspace
Chaos Control’s warping speeds makes Shadow avoid the Paradox Prism’s explosion that caused the entire universe to shatter (1.46 quintillion c)
Half of Illumina, the goddess of dreams, Void is the main antagonist of Sonic Shuffle. While Shadow never fought him directly, and neither the playable characters can hurt him directly, Super Shadow should scale to Void’s feats by naturally being able to fight with equally as powerful - if not stronger - foes like Solaris.
The Precioustone created Maginaryworld and is made from everyone’s dreams
Void’s darkness was eventually going to destroy Maginaryworld
Super Sonic
Not only are Sonic and Shadow equals in base, but they’re equals in their super forms as well. Super Sonic and Super Shadow worked together to defeat Finalhazard and Solaris. Both also use the full power of the Chaos Emeralds to become Super. Obviously, Shadow scales.
Multiple statements claim Super Sonic can fly near light speed
A statement claims Super Sonic can fly at light speed
Super Sonic flies to Exception
Uses Chaos Control to scatter the Chaos Emeralds across the galaxy
A card for Sonic X claims that Super Sonic has infinite strength and speed
The Super Sonics are capable of dodging Time Eater’s Warping Arm Attack
Super Sonic Level Threats
Many of the highest threats in the world of Sonic tend to require the power of the Chaos Emeralds for them to be defeated. Shadow’s Super form is not only equal to that of Sonic’s, but there are multiple instances of one or more Super forms being able to hurt these powerful beings and given that Sonic is using the full power of the Emeralds everytime he goes Super, we should be able to scale Super Shadow to these same levels of threats.
Perfect Chaos destroys Station Square
Alf Layla Wa-Layla destroyed the universe of Arabian Nights and boasts he can remake all of it and reality in his own image
Solaris spread his light across the timeline and beyond upon being born
Solaris destroys a universe and was going to consume all existing timelines
The Jeweled Scepter maintains the Power of Stars, which makes maintaining parallel universes possible
Dark Queen can alter all of the Camelot universe
Time Eater destroys all of space-time and reduces it as a white void (146 quadrillion C, possibly higher)
Time Eater and the Super Sonics flew through the end of time
Black Doom had influence over White Space and was preventing the time anomaly in White Space to heal
Black Doom envelops White Space in a Doom Zone (489 quadrillion C - 1.46 quintillion C, possibly higher) (Debatable, more in Before the Verdict)
Archie Characters
Shadow is not only a prominent character in the series, but he has shown to be just as capable as the rest of the Freedom Fighters and especially Sonic Maurice Hedgehog. Shadow has even gone Super a few times in the Archie canon and major events from Adventure 2 and 06 still occur in this canon, so it should be pretty reasonable for Shadow to be comparable to all of the impressive things shown in the Archie canon of Sonic.
States that he’s faster than lightning and can run between raindrops
Dashes behind Robotnik at double lightspeed
Runs fast enough to reach an exit on the Cosmic Interstate, which is stated to be 148,000 light years away
A Sonic-gram states that Sonic is fast enough to visit all the planets in the universe (1 nonillion c)
Super Sonic
Super Sonic and Enerjak creates an explosion the size of a large city
Scourge believes that Super Sonic’s fight with Enerjak would tear the planet apart
Super Sonic’s botched Chaos Control in conjunction with the Super Genesis Wave collapsed the entire multiverse
Super Sonic Level Threats
Mogul implies he can create and destroy universes with a Chaos Emerald
The Chaos Emeralds reshapes the Zone of Silence into the Special Zone
Dark Enerjak lifts Angel Island
Super Scourge states that he can spin dash the planet in half
The Super Genesis Wave rewrites Sonic and Mega Man’s multiverses, which is confirmed to be filled with an infinite amount of universes, in the past, present, and future
Solaris began to consume all of time and space in the Archie Sonic universe
Movie Characters
Sonic x Shadow Generations seems to show that Paramount’s Sonic movies exist in the game’s multiverse as its own dimension, and it suggests that game Shadow should be more or less similar to his Paramount counterpart. While it’s currently unclear whether or not the movies are meant to canonically exist in the Sonic multiverse, it would make sense to cover them given our compositing rules to use all bases.
Eggman's aircraft destroys a sphinx and part of a pyramid (8.6 tons of TNT)
Sonic creates a huge shockwave that knocks out the power across the Pacific Northwest (35.61 megatons of TNT)
Said shockwave managed to reach his home planet across the universe (109 trillion c)
A single quill of Sonic's creates a massive explosion on the Mushroom planet (31 gigatons of TNT)
Sonic dodges bullets, missiles and lasers (0.12c)
Gerald says the super laser piss will destroy earth's surface in a 25000 miles radius (1.4 to 5.3 exatons of TNT)
The Super hedgehogs could directly withstand the laser for a good while
Super Sonic and Super Shadow go zoomy in super hot action (0.05c)
]Super Sonic punches Super Shadow to the moon (41.72 megatons of TNT)
All happened in approximately four seconds (0.32c)
The Pokémon cosmology in the games exists as an Infinite Multiverse created by Arceus. In Pokémon Legends Arceus we are told the following:
“The power of defeated giants infuses this Plate.”
“The rightful bearer of a Plate draws from the Plate it holds.”
“The third being raged, raining down bolts of anger.”
“The powers of Plates are shared among Pokémon.”
“Two beings of time and space set free from the Original One.”
“The rift is born of disorder on the other side of this world.”
“The rules of time and space change within the opposite world.”
“When the universe was created, its shards became this Plate.”
“The being poured the remains of its power into stone and buried it deep.”
“The Original One breathed alone before the universe came.”
“Where all creation was born, that is the being’s place of origin.”
“It gathers power from the Plates, listening for the flute’s song.”
“The other side of this world was given by the Original One to its raging third.”
“Three beings were born to bind time and space.”
“Two make matter, and three make spirit, shaping the world.”
“That which fills the other side of the world can shape the rage and mold it.”
“The Original One is in all things. The Original One is nowhere at all.”
“Three beings whose power can hold both time and space fixed.”
“From all creations, over all creations, does the Original One watch over all.”
The Original One (Arceus) presides over all creations. Palkia and Dialga created the universe, representing space and time and Giratina rules over the Distortion World. Palkia creates and sustains the existence of all parallel dimensions/universes and its scope, alongside Dialga, is intended to be literally infinite (Infinite Space and Infinite Time). Pokémon Legends establishes there are “innumerable dimensions/universes”, each one embodying the Space that Palkia is/represents. Palkia is Infinite Space, not just for one universe, but all universes. In essence, the multiverse embodies infinite parallel universes Palkia and Dialga embody. Giratina resides in the Distortion World, an “antimatter” dimension separate from Time and Space.
There are also other dimensions/timelines connected by “Ultra Wormholes”, countless portals that connect to Ultra Space. Ultra Space is an interdimensional space where Ultra Beasts reside. Zinnia establishes that infinite universes exist, and she is a knowledgeable source considering her actions in ORAS. In Pokemon Masters (which is heavily tied to game canon), it is stated that Time and Space is infinite, and so is each world.
It is very possible multiple members of the Creation Trio exist due to Extra Links. This will not be relevant to this blog, as explained in the Giratina’s Rift section in Before the Verdicts below. Pokemon Legends Arceus only addresses the existence of one Creation Trio.
The Anime cosmology runs on the existence of numerous parallel worlds. There are also 4 universes besides the main Universe Ash and co reside in. Palkia’s universe, Dialga’s universe, Distortion World, and Arceus’ realm.
In Canon, we are separating this section in two halves: first we will have the minimum and commonly accepted finite ends for the cosmology, and then a second section for some infinite sized arguments. We encourage you to read both sections, given there’s some updated arguments for the latter. There are no stakes here, we’re just trying to present the two sides of the coin in this debate and leave it to the reader to make the decision if the arguments are reasonable or not, as we’re not gonna paint anyone right or wrong for their beliefs.
Minimum Finite Ends
ishi_yuki: Just to make it clear, you’ll probably notice that a lot of this will have direct copy and pastes from Bowsegg G1. This is because I wrote the cosmology section there, and I’m lazy so lol. There's more stuff tho.
How many other dimensions and universes do we know that exist inside the canon Sonic multiverse? It’s never stated in number, but we know it has at least these:
Sonic’s Universe: The primary universe, where we follow the many adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends. It doesn’t seem to be much different from our universe in real life: composed of different types of celestial bodies all around the depths of space; multiple planets, stars, galaxies, etc.
Flicky Dimension: A dimension from Sonic 3D Blast where the Flickies come from.
Special Stages: Alternate dimensions in the Sonic multiverse where one can obtain the Chaos Emeralds, or in some cases, other mystical items. We have yet to see if they’re actually full of separate universes from one another, but we know thanks to Sonic Chaos’ manual that these stages are “a parallel universe.”
Chaotic Inferno: The Chaotic Inferno Zone is the home universe of the demonic entity, the Ifrit, that threatened Sonic and their friends with his impressive soul binding capabilities. It resides in a different dimension, which is also confirmed by Shadow and Metal Sonic using Chaos Control to travel between dimensions to get out of Chaotic Inferno.
The Shatterverse: Upon being shattered, the Paradox Prism “fractured”/“splintered” the universe into a set of parallel dimensions dubbed "Shatterspaces" with emphasis being put on the fact that the Prime World (AKA the original universe) wasn't simply altered, it was "broken", with it ceasing to exist entirely. Separate from the multiverse, each Shatterspace is a distorted version of the original universe. Shatterspaces contain their own celestial bodies, such as suns, moons, and stars, entire universes of their own. Additionally, time is shown to flow differently within different Shatterspaces. Interdimensional travel between Shatterspaces is shown to only be possible via the space-time manipulating properties of the Paradox Prism’s “Prism Energy”, which enables teleportation and portal creation.
The Void: The space between the Shatterverse realities created by the Paradox Prism is called The Void, filled with innumerable crystal-like shards of “debris” floating within it, serving as a sort of nexus point between each dimension. The Void is shown to contain an “eternity of darkness” that “decays all life”, with other official translations implying that it means "infinite". That aside - which could be hyperbole - the Void is of immense cosmic scope due to being large enough to encompass and house the five Shatterspaces.
Storybook Worlds: In the storybook series, Sonic travels to 2 different dimensions; the World of the Arabian Nights and the World of Camelot. Those are storybook worlds based on different sets of stories; respectively, the 1,001 Nights, Aladdin, Ali Baba & the 40 Thieves, Sinbad the Sailor and more for the Arabian Nights, and the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Table for the World of Camelot. While we don’t have exact confirmations that each of their pages are different worlds, we do know that each one of them is a different universe. There is also seemingly a place called “Lost Prologue”, which is described as a space between the Storybook universe and the normal reality that visitors cross before fully entering the worlds. In the Arabian Nights, Erazor Djinn possesses a realm called Night Palace. A fantastical, glass-looking otherworldly space that connects to the real world that seemingly has an astral place. It is also noted to be a Milky Way. Infinite space is also mentioned, but that’s from a not reliable Prima guide.
Digital Dimension: Digital Dimension is a course present in Sonic Riders. A realm inside the Babylon Garden, a strange dimension-world inspired by thoughts of hell that extends to infinite nothingness, as noted in the official Sonic Riders japanese website.
Aqua Planet Zone and Sleeping Egg Zone: Two alternate dimensions seen in Sonic Chaos.
Egg Reverie Zone: A location first shown in Sonic Mania and Sonic Mania Plus, it is a crystalline void that Sonic was sent by the Phantom Ruby, where time is constantly distorted.
Null Space: It is a unique world that is said to be "an endless void of nothingness closed off from all other dimensions", where no one could communicate or detect it those who were inside of it, making it so beyond the range of the rest of the universe considering Tails’ technology was already able to communicate with Sonic through different dimensions. Later when used by the Death Egg Robot, we can see it houses many stars & nebulas inside itself.
Cyber Space: Introduced in Sonic Frontiers, Cyber Space is an alternate dimensional plane; a reality made of information created by the alien civilization of The Ancients more than tens of thousands of years ago, said by Eggman to be more impressive and advanced than anything he has created. Being a prominent part of their society it served as a sort of mega collection of everything regarding them, their hopes, dreams, memories, souls and the very essence of who they were, serving as a mega server to all information regarding them as a way to pass on their legacy to the future generation, on top of it being a macrocosm of dreams it is also said be a dream in of itself. Cyber Space takes the memory data from those who access it, and expands and reworks Cyber Space to display that memory data across its domain. Cyber Space data can even make Sonic's memories appear as tangible elements in the real world, showing that it make thoughts into reality. The amount of information in Cyber Space is said to be beyond quantification; that it has unquantifiable and countless amounts of data. This realm being that big in size shouldn’t be that unrealistic, as it was created by the power of the Chaos Emeralds, which are consistently said to possess infinite power.
The Sol Dimension: The universe where Blaze the Cat originally came from. It is said to be a reflection of Sonic’s world; thus, similar in scope, so it should have its own structures like the Shatterverse, for example.
The Exception: The location where Super Sonic and Burning Blaze headed to battle against the powerful Egg Salamander. According to the Sonic Encyclospeedia, it’s a space between dimensions, and it’s also referred to as a collapsing dimensional rift. In this space, both Eggmen planned to create an Eggmanland that surpassed all dimensions with the powers of the two sets of Emeralds.
Maginaryworld: An alternate reality where all dreams from all other dimensions assemble and become reality. When each person sleeps and starts dreaming, they have their own real dream worlds created in Maginaryworld - as with the case of Illumina physically appearing into the quartets' different dream worlds that are each stated to be separated by Tails when they each fall asleep there. And we know their dreams are real due to Illumina visiting their dreams. Maginaryworld possesses many other worlds inside it: Emerald Coast, Fire Bird, Nature, Temple of Light, and Riot Train as well. But perhaps the standout of them all is Fourth Dimension Space, the higher plane of Maginaryworld, dreamed into existence by the goddess of Dreams; Illumina. It encompasses all other Dream worlds, seeing them as nothing but flat images on a screen.
Dream Worlds: Like mentioned, in Sonic Shuffle, the characters visit “dream worlds”. While they don’t have an exact size confirmed, we can tell some things by how it’s shown and described. Multiple dream worlds we see in the series demonstrate some sort of outer space or starry sky aesthetic. Some of these worlds also showcase what appear to be galaxies. According to lore by Lumina Flowlight and Void, a wish is equivalent to a dream that hasn’t come true yet, and thus is considered equivalent to a dream in the eyes of Maginaryworld. Thus, Eggman’s dream to overwrite an entire timeline from Generations, Black Doom’s dream to rule the universe, Merlina’s dream to freeze all of the world of Camelot in time forever, and Erazor Djinn’s dream to absorb and control the entirety of the Arabian Nights dimension, all would have dream worlds of equivalent scope within 4th Dimension Space. These dream worlds likely seem to have different space-times; shown when Tails, Knuckles, Amy, or Sonic fall asleep there and have separate dream scenes with Illumina with the golden or blue sky around them.
White Space: After the Time Eater erased all of time and space, it left a timeless void called White Space. White Space is the central hub that is between all timelines and dimensions, and It has doorways to all timelines in the Sonic multiverse.
End of Time: Time Eater’s lair, which is located in another dimension, and is the place where the two Super Sonics fight the time anomaly. It resembles a timestream, which is exactly said by one of the guides; its structure described as a "stream" that the Super Sonics and Time Eater can enter and exit freely. It’s also referred to as an infinite tunnel dimension.
That’s a good number, but could there be even more? It’s very likely. The concept of a larger multiverse in Sonic is further supported by various elements within the games. For instance, in Sonic 06, it is mentioned that different points in time represent "different timelines." Specifically, when Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are transported to Crisis City by the Solaris Prototype, Eggman points out that they have arrived in a separate timeline. Moreover, the Sonic Generations guide reinforces this idea on pages 7, 132, and 183, describing Crisis City as an alternate future timeline on multiple occasions. There are also examples in Sonic where alternate universes exist independently of time travel. A notable instance is in the Shadow Generations DLC, where Shadow travels to Tokyo from the Sonic movie, transforming into his movie counterpart design once he arrives in that dimension. Since they were also playable in the Sonic Forces: Speed Battle mobile game, where they are implied to be virtual copies created by the Phantom Ruby, it suggests that at least a version of the movie Sonic exists within the same reality as the game's Sonic. While the game director clarified that the movie DLC was intended as bonus content and wasn't directly tied to the storyline of either the game or the movie, it’s mostly regarding the events in the Tokyo Stage. It doesn't rule out the possibility of the movies being part of the same multiverse, since not only it is consistent with other elements brought up, Eggman even mentions a multiverse within the movie-verse itself. Also, my dear Sonic fan, you don’t need to worry about the Time Eater, its impact isn't diminished by the ability to access the movie universe. The colorful stages we enter in the game, which we know are being restored by the Sonics, don't suggest that the Time Eater hasn't erased all of time and space. Other known areas affected by the Time Eater, like the Space Colony ARK, are accessed through similar purple portals like those seen when first encountering the movie dimension. This is especially evident in the Sonic vs Shadow cutscene and all the boss battles in the game. The fact that this dimension is accessible through White Space strongly suggests it was erased by the Time Eater, as it's stated that whatever the Eater erases winds up in White Space by both Classic and Modern Tails. Ok, so it likely has way more universes than we know by name. Could it have infinite universes?
Infinite Arguments
Let's begin with a completely new light on a popular argument, one that some people aren't so fond: TailsTube. At this point, it needs no introduction. In the YouTube series TailsTube - a canonical mini show that has Tails talking about things in Sonic, or just doing goofy stuff with the cast -, one episode has attracted the attention of many versus debaters due to an interesting commentary Tails has done. This is the transcript for the relevant section from TailsTube #4, when a Knuckles comment brings up the fact that there were two Sonics in Generations, and comments how scary the possibility of even more Sonics around can be:
Tails: This next question comes from... uh, Knuckles again. He asks, "I mean, why isn't everyone freaking out about this?? Multiple Sonics?? If there are two of them could there be even more?!"
Amy: Well, Classic Sonic only appeared because of Dr. Eggman messing with the time-stream. There should only be that one, right?
Tails: Not necessarily, Time is just one dimension of reality! Within the endless possibilities of space, there could be an infinite number of other Sonics out there!
Amy: Wow! What would they be like?
Tails: When it comes to the multiverse, anything is possible! There could be big Sonics, little Sonics! [Amy laughs] A Sonic with four arms, a Sonic with blue arms! A Sonic in a rock band with a monkey on bass and a rabbit drummer and- [Amy laughs again] All right, I think we might have gone off the rails here. You think so? Because I had more.
Amy: Anyway, no matter what he looks like, or where he's from, any Sonic is going to be awesome!
Tails: [Laughs] You said it-
Tails says that within endless possibilities of space, there could be an infinite number of Sonics around in the multiverse. This is extremely interesting, as it would be pointing at a possible infinite multiverse. People’s issue with this is that - much like Tails says - it’s a “maybe”. He says there “could” be infinite Sonics around. However, there’s a few things that are ignored that might be worthy of thinking a bit more with that Tails statement.
Many-Worlds Theory? What Tails is doing in this video is pretty much an indirect explanation for kids of what Many-Worlds Theory is all about.
By stating, "Within the endless possibilities of space, there could be an infinite number of other Sonics out there," Tails taps into the core idea of the theory, where according to the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics, there may be multiple copies of us living in multiple worlds. He suggests that any conceivable variation of Sonic could exist somewhere in the vast multiverse, emphasizing the quantum idea that all potential variants of a situation or character do exist across different universes.
Tails discusses the possibility of multiple Sonics existing, which introduces the concept of parallel universes where different outcomes of events have occurred. For instance, the scenario where there is "a Sonic with four arms" or "a Sonic with blue arms" shows different physical outcomes that may have manifested in different realities.
Tails’ mention of "Time is just one dimension of reality" hints at the idea central to the Quantum Universe Hypothesis. This theory from quantum mechanics suggests that different timelines can coexist as separate dimensions. When Tails talks about multiple Sonics, he's illustrating this concept: every different event or decision might create a new universe. This shows how variations in time can lead to a multitude of outcomes, each represented in its own universe, simplifying the complex idea of a multiverse influenced by time and choice.
All of this hints that the Sonic Multiverse operates exactly how the real life theory works. If there are endless possibilities, it would be the same for universes.
Is it really just a maybe? Tails only implies a “could” when referring to the “infinite amount of Sonics” part specifically, and not to the “endless possibilities of space” part. Which means he’s sure of the endless possibilities of space (aka, an endless multiverse), and only implying that he’s not so sure about there being infinite Sonics. This kind of comment makes sense, since we know there are some universes or dimensions where other characters take Sonic's role in the franchise, like Blaze the Cat being Sonic’s Sol Dimension counterpart - so not all universes have Sonic in it. If we go a bit further, the Shatterverse is really similar to Tails’ descriptions of alternate universes. There’s No Place, an universe where the crew are all pirates (and also no Sonic), Boscage Maze, an universe where they are all prehistoric Scavengers (and also no Sonic), The Grimm, which is an universe that has no life… I think you guys got the idea, right? Not all universes in cosmology have Sonic, so his comment makes sense here.
Why TailsTube is reliable. People usually dismiss the information as being something from “a silly YouTube video?”, which shows they lack the understanding of what this series is all about. TailsTube’s entire purpose is having an entire series, canon to the games, with accessible explanations for things that the games don't say. Hell, if anything, it should hold way more validity than any scans from guidebooks or similar media that we are all fine to use on these debates, given it's ridiculously more accessible and with a way more planned out script than those.
Why would they even mention it? It would be a little silly to assume the writers would bring up the topic of an infinite multiverse and not be true. It’s definitely still possibly a theory, but remember, this is Tails we’re talking about. He’s not only one of the smartest characters in the franchise, but he has many showings of being familiar with the series’ cosmology. He explored several different universes and he’s even capable of building dimensional travel devices and interdimensional communicators. Of course, it is natural to want evidence without relying on the “it would be silly if it wasn’t true” argument for a theory, which is valid and therefore this is just a bonus and not the main argument.
At the end of the day, while some might be skeptical and want more showings, the argument that comes from Tailstube is a decent argument that one could buy. Also, we already mentioned how the Sonic multiverse is way bigger than we know, not only with the different timelines like Crisis City, but how it probably encompasses the movie universe… which also, hey, it has a Sonic with blue arms, just like his example! Sonic Speed Simulator also supports his theory, but given the debate over its legitimacy, we decided to give it its own section separately, so details on the canonicity of this game and how it could support the TailsTube argument will be established there. Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds will likely talk about the multiverse when it releases, but we still don’t know if they will give any significant input.
That being said, not all arguments for an infinite universe are sound, and even if we are presenting this possibility, we need to be objective and maintain our standards, so now we will discuss other arguments used by the fanbase that might meet the butcher…
It's Warping Time. An argument that comes from the Sonic CD PC manual in English, which described Sonic as “warping into new dimensions” whenever he time traveled, then proceeds to argue that time travelling in Sonic is equivalent to traveling into different timelines altogether, which would be classified as separate dimensions and also classed as separate possibilities, and the argument finishes that if time itself would runs infinitely, it would mean infinite time points to jump to, and thus infinite timelines/dimensions. There are exactly two problems that come with this argument. First, the information that Sonic warps between dimensions only exists in the English manual for the PC version of the game. It’s not in the Japanese manual, it’s not anywhere else, so kinda hard to say it is usable. Another problem with the argument is the incorrect assumption of time being infinite with certainty. This was never proven in real life, it’s still a heated debate. While some believe it is, another notion is that time started with the Big Bang, implying you can’t go infinitely to the past. What about the future? It’s still speculative territory: If the universe happens to expand indefinitely, it might suggest an infinite progression of time, but this is still under study and far from settled. With time yet not proven to be infinite and with questionable validity from the manual, the Sonic CD argument possibly warped to a dead end.
Infinite universes inside Maginaryworld? Maginaryworld is a space where dreams and reality co-exist, and the source of all dreams across all dimensions. On these dream worlds, it would include Cyber Space from Frontiers, which fulfills both the universal size and dream quota and is a separate dimensional plane (referred to as the “Digital Dream” in the Japanese version and was intended by lore to be the Ancients’ dream of preserving their culture across generations even into the present day), Eggman’s Otherworlds from Sonic Channel (equivalent to Eggman’s dreams), and Fourth Dimension Space, the higher plane of Maginaryworld which encompasses all dreams. These universes are usually argued to be infinite in size, but all of these claims have problems. For Cyber Space, just because it’s stated that the amount of data there is unquantifiable or countless, this doesn’t necessarily mean infinite, and it has the chance of just being flowery language. Eggman’s Otherworlds might have been stated in promotional material to be “infinite” and “super other-dimensional”, but we know the Egg Field has a finite size in kilometers. About Fourth Dimension Space, according to the SoftBank Dreamcast magazine, is infinite in size. The problem is that, while it’s a journal that heavily worked with SEGA in the late 90s and early 2000s to advertise their games, even being officially commissioned by SEGA, this publication wasn’t revised by SEGA and neither did Sonic Team gave any input. Kind of a bummer, but all of these arguments have to be turned into dreams. That being said, not necessarily Fourth Dimension Space being infinite would be a bad notion. If what Tails said in Tailstube is true, then this dimension would likely be infinite given it encompasses all dreams. Would be a nice support to the statement if the info from the magazine was 100% trustworthy.
Infinite White Space? It's important to add that the script for this game was made by Ian Flynn, so the main source here should be the english version and not any other language, hence why we aren't using any japanese scan. This one is probably the easiest to debunk. In Sonic X Shadow Generations, Orbot says that White Space is a ceaseless expanse. This is not only extremely likely to be flowery language, but ceaseless also doesn’t necessarily mean infinite in a literal sense. To be fair, it’s possible Orbot would know it’s size, because he was there with Eggman when he discovered Time Eater, and he would likely know about the cosmology and White Space from Eggman… but on the other hand, Orbot wanted to escape from there with a rocket, so he’s likely just stupid. While this argument is going to a white void, it doesn’t mean White Space being infinite isn’t a possibility. White Space would probably be infinite in size if the TailsTube statement is bought, because White Zone is the hub that is between all timelines and dimensions, and possesses doorways to all timelines. Given Sonic multiverse would have an infinite number of universes, they would also make White Space infinite in size.
Sonic Speed Simulator
To start it off, let's talk about the canonicity of Sonic Speed Simulator. Ian Flynn had previously stated the game is not canon on his Bumblekast podcast, but more recently some comments made by Nibroc Sarkaria, the developer of the game, implied his team’s (Gamefam) creation was deemed canon by Sega now. He then repeats himself in another instance. Given neither SEGA or Ian Flynn had made any public comment on their statements, and they have more authority than Nibroc, it’s a bit early to say with 100% certainty anything on it being inside or outside canon. That being said, Nibroc adds the fact that everything in the game is processed and reviewed by SEGA and the lore team, to the point they have to scrap things that explicitly go against canon, and that they’re unsure on where exactly the game takes place. So the canonicity itself might not be as relevant, because even if it isn’t canonical, it’s a fact that it’s intended to follow canon as closely as possible; eliminating even the slightest of contradictions. Does that mean every aspect of the game follows canon? Probably yes, but we don’t know yet. Given this is a licensed Sonic project, Sega will likely intend for the game to stay true to their canon representations so they maintain brand synergy. While Archie also operated under similar rules (example: Mephiles the Dark was off-limits because he died in 06), Archie deviated significantly from the source material since the beginning, since they started being based on the Sonic the Hedgehog TV show, which has a very different cast of characters and lore from the Classic Sonic games. Compared to what happens in Speed Simulator, nothing in the latter really seems out of the ordinary or non-canon-ish.
But why is this here in cosmology, you might wonder? It’s because it backs up Tails’ statement about infinite Sonics’ possibility from TailsTube! Nibroc comments that the canon reason why you can play as multiple Sonics in the same lobby is because - canonically - all Sonics are brought from different worlds by the World Rings. But this is not the only backup. In Sonic Speed Simulator, there is also a version of Silver called ESP Silver. ESP Silver comes from a dimension where Iblis was defeated and Blaze left, but Solaris as a concept still existed, meaning he lived in the future after Iblis was sent away. He quotes: “My name is Silver, maybe not the one you know. I've been displaced from my own time and space. Can you help me figure this out?!” This shows that erasing the past only affected one branch of the ‘06 timeline, and not all of them, as ESP Silver wouldn’t exist at all if branched timelines wasn’t a concept. Wtf, ‘06 has its own Steins Gate 0 moment.
Holy crap, Bebop and Rocksteady!
The universe isn't just infinite—Sonic's multiverse takes it a step further with infinite variations of infinite universes, a concept confirmed by both Dr. Eggman and writer Ian Flynn. Mega Man’s multiverse follows similar mind-bending rules. At the heart of this vast cosmos lies the Chaos Force, a transcendent energy that powers the Archie Sonic universe. This higher-dimensional force exists beyond the limits of space and time. It is likely even much higher than that.
Being a Psychic-type, Mewtwo has a weakness towards Dark, Ghost and Bug type attacks. As Mega Mewtwo X, it loses the weakness to Bug and Dark type at the cost of being vulnerable to Flying and Fairy type attacks as well. While Mewtwo does have many moves at their disposal, they can all only be utilized a limited amount of times before it is rendered unusable. And in the event all of Mewtwo’s moves run out of uses, it would quite literally struggle under pressure.
Edge McHedge’s primary weakness is that many of his items are usually one time use only and do not last forever. Many of Shadow’s forms such as the Dark/Hero modes and his Super form also can only be sustained for a limited period of time before reverting him back to his normal state. Should Shadow also remove his Inhibitor Rings, it will leave him extremely exhausted and if he theoretically combined it with his Doom Powers, Shadow could quite literally be burned out of existence.
Art Section
Before the Verdict
Creation Trio Scaling
So the Creation Trio is the small group of Sinnoh legendaries consisting of Palkia, Dialga and Giratina and together with Arceus, they are some of the strongest Pokémon from a lore perspective and very few Pokémon can actually stand any chance against them. Is Mewtwo one of those Pokémon?
A certain iteration of Mewtwo has a very likely scaling to the trio. Rainbow Rocket Mewtwo (used by Giovanni) is implied to be narratively stronger than either Dialga or Palkia, as Cyrus has either in USUM. Giovanni is the leader of Rainbow Rocket and is the final boss of the group, indicating he should be even above Cyrus. There’s even the possibility to fight against a wild Mewtwo after episode RR, since you can catch the other legendaries by doing Ultra Warp Ride. An argument usually given is that Cyrus controls them with the Red Chain, which hypothetically weakens the Creation Trio. Legends Arceus shows this is not the case, as Palkia/Dialga can break said chain. Narratively this Mewtwo should be on par with the trio, but what about others?
Mewtwo is a post game bonus boss in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl and is fought after the player fights Dialga/Palkia. Likewise Mewtwo is in the champions team in Battle Revolution, alongside Palkia. It can be a random encounter in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, and bosses in this game include the Creation Trio. HGSS Mewtwo is one of the games' superbosses alongside Red and Ethan has access to Arceus and the CT both there. Mewtwo can potentially be one of the summons in Rangers against the Arceus boss fight.
However, we’d like to argue that there’s some issues with scaling Mewtwo to the trio via just being a bonus boss. In HGSS, other bonus bosses include the Legendary Birds, who have multiple showings of not being on the same level as the Creation Trio. As for Battle Revolution, the likes of Latios and Lugia also have no showings other than this. As a result, we’d believe that these options to scale Mewtwo to the Trio are unreliable at best, and that BDSP and Rainbow Rocket are the best and only way to scale Mewtwo to the Trio via the games.
But what about other media, is there any Mewtwo with a chain scaling to them? There is! Let's talk about Pokémon Special now:
Pokémon Special is far and away the most uncomplicated way to scale Mewtwo (and many other characters for that matter) to the Creation Trio, as they get beaten a lot. For starters, the Creation Trio square up with most of the other Gen 4 Legendaries--Heatran, Cresselia, Shaymin, and most importantly Darkrai. Darkrai is most important because Mewtwo collided with him in the past, their collision infamously turning the Pokedex Holders to stone. Mewtwo then chased Darkrai’s trainer Sird for a year, with her only being able to flee, only losing him in Sinnoh. Furthermore, in the HGSS chapter, which was a prequel to the DPP chapter, the trainer Gold just outright withstands Arceus’s attacks. The Creation Trio are also manifested by Arceus, where they’re quickly taken care of. Palkia by Lance and his Dragonite, Dialga by Pryce and his Swinub, and Giratina by Giovanni and the Ursaring he borrowed from his son Silver. Despite the Creation Trio being bullied all throughout their appearances in the manga, they’re still outright stated to control time and space with their mere heartbeat/breath, and Cyrus’s plan was still to erase everything by causing them to fight.
How Strong Are Shadow’s Doom Powers?
The Doom Powers are a new set of abilities that Shadow receives in Sonic x Shadow Generations, by Black Doom. These sets of powers are utilized throughout the whole game and are used to defeat the bosses. The question is how much of a boost do these Doom Powers amplify Shadow’s own powers. We have reason to suggest that these powers put Shadow on the level of Super Sonic for a few reasons. Shadow with his Doom Powers was strong enough to defeat a stronger version of Devil Doom, who by all means was definitely portrayed as a super tier character back in Shadow 05. While fighting Devil Doom, Eggman questions if he’s invincible and Rouge suggests that Shadow should aim for his eye instead. If Devil Doom wasn’t putting up a fight or was getting stomped by Super Shadow, there would be no need to question this or make this suggestion. In addition to this, the Sonic Channel calendar stories suggest that Shadow Evolved and Super Sonic are relative to one another, with both being stated to be their full power.
Can Shadow Resist Mind Control in Canon?
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: there’s a claim from the first time these two fought that we need to address: that Shadow supposedly got mind controlled a couple of times and, because of that, there should be no problem with Mewtwo taking Shadow’s mind with ease. Does this argument still hold up?
Well, there's a few problems with the episode claim. It’s pretty clear that Shadow was definitely immune to Black Doom’s mind control. This resistance was also recently supported by Sonic x Shadow Generations, because despite clearly wanting to conquer Shadow’s mind, body, and soul, and having the ability to control minds, Black Doom never manages to do this to Shadow. Instead, he relies on forcibly imbuing Shadow with Doom Powers to take control of him, which also fails. And while some may argue that Black Doom’s mind control is only via a hivemind… okay? It’s still mind control at the end of the day. If anything, the fact that Black Doom had direct access to Shadow’s mind at all times should’ve made it harder for Shadow to resist, not easier, and it’s also unlikely that Black Doom’s mind control is limited to just a hivemind. Pretty much, Shadow having Black Doom’s DNA is implied as to why he has this resistance that others don’t.
When people argue that Shadow has been mind controlled before, they’re most likely referring to Lyric’s mind control device, the Overmind, Black Death or the recent Jet Black Hedgehog manga. Fortunately, none of these instances of Shadow being mind controlled are actually canon. The last one might be a surprise, given it’s a supposed adaptation of the Shadow Generations game, but not only Shadow's story takes a completely different route, some characters are removed from it, others completely new to the story. In short, ever since the events of Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow has never been mind controlled in canon. Even when fighting the Ifrit, who can bind people’s minds and souls, Shadow is actually one of the few characters that never gets mind controlled by it, no matter what route you choose to play.
But if none of this is enough to convince you that Shadow is capable of resisting mind control though, the Chaos Emeralds would protect him regardless. Not only did they negate the effects of Eggman’s brainwashing laser, but they also had the power to resist the anomaly that rewrote everyone’s memory. If you use Sonic Chronicles, the Emeralds are stated multiple times to be capable of protecting Sonic from the Overmind’s mind control.
TL;DR: Canon Shadow has resisted Mind Control even without the Emeralds. The Emeralds offer an extra layer of protection against things like memory wiping.
Doom Zone
To give necessary context for this, White Space is the central hub that is between all timelines and dimensions. It has doorways to all timelines.
In Shadow Generations, Black Doom can create copies of Radical Highway (which he calls his “world”) called Doom Zones where he can shape the realm to his will. At the end of the game, Black Doom corrupts all of White Space. This is also treated as a Doom Zone, which includes physical constructs Black Doom sustains with his life. The Doom Zone that covers all of White Space fades upon the death of Black Doom. Ian Flynn has stated that Shadow in the game is saving “all of creation” from Black Doom. Gerald also notes that Black Doom was actively preventing time from healing after the Time Eater consumed all of Space-TIme. Gerald also states Black Doom’s effect would be worse than any time ripple Shadow could cause. Narratively, Black Doom likely covered all of White Space. It wants to rule creation, and has influence over White Space. The beam is also a speed feat since it corrupts all of White Space in 3 seconds.
Therefore, the 489 quadrillion C to 1.46 quintillion C ends of this feat should be reasonable and valid to be used. It’s important to realize that this feat would qualify as infinite/immeasurable if the reader believes White Space is truly infinite in size, as well as some other similar feats.
Are Mega Evolution and Super Forms Equal?
Mega Mewtwo and Super Shadow. They look like very similar concepts at first - but are they, actually? Many don’t give much attention to this, but depending on what you argue here and there, this question can actually be relevant for the discussion of the debate, as it can shut down some of the ability options. To be frank, yes, they are indeed very similar. They are both completely new bases for characters given power by powerful gems. It’s no simple multiplier of strength either - as the forms given by the stones gives the user a few (or plenty) of new abilities to go for.
A question that might arise is the fact that - unlike Super forms - Mega Pokémon are byproducts of DNA change, thus changing their physical appearance to a notable extent. While this may be a valid point at first, considering we do not know if a Super form changes the DNA of the user or not, we know that it changes their physical body. If their fur turning into a completely different color and the iris in their eyes also changing color wasn’t enough for you, Trip the Sungazer from Sonic Superstars in her Super form turns into a goddamn DRAGON. So, overall, we do believe that the forms are likely comparable.
Giratina’s Dimensional Rift
NOTE: All dialogue in PLA
In Pokémon Legends Arceus, Giratina overlaps innumerable universes, creating a dimensional rift. The rift accumulates energy and will eventually expand and destroy all creation. Volo and Giratina’s end goal is to force Arceus out of hiding by destroying all universes. Palkia and Dialga end up caught in the Rift, as it's an attack on space and time itself. Palkia and Dialga not only survive the Rift, one of them ends up pissed enough to revert to its Origin State, the form it had at creation. Giratina sustains the existence of the Rift and needs to be defeated in order for the Rift to close. This is identical to the RIft it opens in Platinum, which required Lucas or Dawn to defeat it in order for the Rift to close. This Rift would have destroyed both Lucas/Dawn’s universe and the Distortion World itself. Giratina’s attempt at ending creation would have ended the infinite multiverse, had it not been for the main character humbling the otherworldly dragon.
Would Sealing even Work?
NOTE: This is an option that is not the game-changer for either verdict, but we would still like to fully discuss. Treat it as a funny little bonus that isn’t exactly combat applicable, it’s mostly because it’s really funny.
Ignoring stats aside for a moment, it’s arguable that Shadow could potentially use Chaos Control to seal Mewtwo away from battle, at least after a bit of fighting. You might be wondering how that would be effective, given Mewtwo has shown to be able to teleport between dimensions, and as Shadow Mewtwo they are able to create pocket dimensions. It is crucial to address that despite Mewtwo's impressive dimensional abilities, these do not necessarily translate into sealing resistances. Notably, Mewtwo remains vulnerable to being trapped within Pokéballs, such as the Master Ball, which guarantees a 100% capture rate, or the Ultra Ball, which offers better capture rates than the average Poké Ball. While advanced, they are mere products of human ingenuity within the Pokémon universe, it's no supernatural item or anything. These devices not only are capable of containing Mewtwo, showing he lacks resistance to sealing (or arguably even a weakness for this), but they are simply not in the same league as the cosmic power of the Chaos Emeralds, so it isn’t unreasonable to argue it would be easier to pull this off compared to Mephiles and Iblis. The only potential problem is how applicable this would be, given for Mephiles, he needed the Scepter of Darkness to lock him there, and on all other instances the opponent had some issues as well (besides taking time to pull off). Let’s address some of them:
“Would it need to use Shadow’s own body for the sealing?”
Most times sealing was used, the creature was trapped inside another person first, usually the attacker. For example, we have Blaze, who after sealing Iblis in her soul, BFR herself in another dimension. Elise also had Iblis inside her soul to contain the creature. But the one people probably remember the most is Tikal, who sacrificed her body to strip Chaos of his power and seal him away within Master Emerald with her own spirit. That being said, context is key. In all of these examples, it wasn’t really necessary to trap the creatures inside the user's own body first. Blaze and Tikal only sealed Iblis/Chaos in themselves to make the process easier, and it’s noticeable how Silver could have done it to Blaze instead of herself. Elise’s father just sealed Iblis inside Elise as well, and if we look back at Shadow’s case, he just directly sealed Mephiles into the scepter. Nothing really stops Shadow from trying to seal Mewtwo in a Chao, a Buddy or even a Chaos Emerald (given Tikal did it on Master Emerald) for example. Something even more noteworthy, is that Shadow has two guns that are made for sucking enemies, like the Vacuum Pod and the Egg Vacuum. Wouldn’t be unreasonable to say a combination from Chaos Control and these weapons could do the trick. Also, considering both interactions in Sonic 06 and Frontiers indicate you can specifically target souls and spiritual creatures in particular, it’s hard to say Shadow couldn’t seal specifically just Mewtwo’s soul in another dimension as well, without his body and powers to come back.
“Wouldn’t Shadow die while sealing?”
A popular misconception used as an argument is saying that Shadow would die while doing the sealing, given “Tikal, Duke of Soleanna and Blaze died right after”. Shadow didn’t die when he sealed Mephiles, but if you really want to nitpick this instance, you could try arguing that he was only able to do it because of the scepter’s power, an object he doesn’t have access to in this blog. That being said, let’s see the problems with those supposed examples above:
Blaze didn’t die??? Not only the Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia mentioned in page 163 that "Blaze seals Iblis inside herself and is lost to another dimension", but Ian himself commented, while talking about 06’s leaked script, that she survived while turning into Burning Blaze, going back to her on dimension. And that Iblis is still sealed in her until now, which is a genuine 06 moment. At the very least, this proves Shadow would survive it while in a Super form, if you wanna ignore his own instance with Mephiles.
If you played Sonic 06 (which seriously, we don’t blame ANYONE for not playing it), you know that the Duke was already gravely injured because of the explosion Solaris created, when he used his own body to shield his daughter Elise. Nothing really indicates the reason for him to die in the scene was the sealing.
Like mentioned before, the context indicates Tikal only sealed Chaos in herself to make the process easier given she was trying to deal with a gigantic creature that is Perfect Chaos. Her soul is also shown to be fine all this time, Just her body that needed to go when she entered the Master Emerald. For some reason Blaze didn’t even lose her body, just sent to another dimension. Figures.
The Ancients being able to seal with the Emeralds and being able to mess with Sonic’s soul could be used as supporting evidence as well.
“Would he even do this in character?”
We would never argue that this wincon in particular is viable to all Sonic characters, especially if it’s out of character (altho even Tikal and Elise’s father could do it), but it isn't unreasonable to say the black hedgehog here wouldn’t use it if necessary. Not only Shadow himself has used this technique to trap Mephiles in the Scepter of Darkness, it was one of the few times he couldn’t beat an opponent via conventional means, given Mephiles was pure spiritual energy.
Strunton: Hey guys. Just interjecting to let you know that we’re going to be doing this verdict a bit differently than how we normally do verdicts. We are very well aware that there are many opinions about how Mewtwo and Shadow’s composites should be handled. Some say both should get everything. Some say Mewtwo should get everything while Shadow should only be limited to the games. Some say Mewtwo should only get the anime while Shadow only gets the games. Some say we should soft comp. You get the idea.
With that in mind, for the verdict, we agreed to split it into four versions of this fight. The first version is Mewtwo (Anime) vs Shadow (Sonic X). After all, I don’t think anyone will disagree with me saying that the Pokémon anime is the main reason this match became a thing, right? We would do just Mewtwo (Anime) vs Shadow (Game) for the first round, given they are the iterations where the comparisons started appearing, but we decided to move that one for the second, given an Anime vs Anime round would be very interesting as well.
Kaiser: The third round was my idea, being the “Old Episode” round. What does that mean? It means it will follow the same rules of what the original episode used for both in terms of material, where they basically soft-composed both of these characters, being a bit more restrictive on Shadow’s side. Mewtwo is simple, he is composited with almost everything given he has, besides some extremely non-standard abilities that are contradictory to his other incarnations. Shadow is where the question lies, given the notion of Sonic canon changed after the episode for this matchup. To follow a similar idea as last time, whatever media used for Sonic in Bowser vs Eggman gets in, with the difference that media used only for supporting evidence will be included in its entirety (kinda), so it follows the idea of Shadow being a soft-comp. So that means he gets: games, IDW, Prime, Sonic Channel and Calendar stories, mobile games like Sonic Runners and Sonic Jump, Chronicles and Sonic X. Sonic Speed Simulator was still kept only as supporting evidence.
Strunton: The final round will be Mewtwo (Composite) vs Shadow (Composite). This means Shadow and Mewtwo will get everything. With all that said, let’s do this.
Mewtwo (Anime) vs Shadow (Sonic X)
Let’s start with the anime versions of these characters. Honestly, this version of this match is a lot more competitive than you probably think it is. Let’s break it down.
Starting with stats, Shadow likely holds the advantage in strength, at least as Super Shadow. Mewtwo can be scaled to Zygarde, who destroyed the life wiping Megalith. Super Shadow on the other hand more or less blows up a planet. It may have been a small planet, but the kinetic energy required to split the planet shell in half with Super Sonic is equal to 39 zettatons, more than enough to punch Mewtwo out if given the chance.
Speed is honestly a toss up. Mewtwo scales to Diglett, who is stated to move at lightspeed. Shadow on the other hand…honestly, we couldn’t find much that would suggest this version of Shadow is lightspeed. There are lasers that Sonic dodges that seemingly fit most criteria for lasers to be lightspeed, but they also emit force so we’re not sure if they’re truly meant to be light speed. If you do accept them as being legit, then Mewtwo and Shadow would be roughly equal in speed.
“Erm, I thought Sonic X was MFTL+”
So I know some people are going to be quick to pull up this calc and use it to argue that X super forms are actually MFTL+, but unfortunately this calc is inflated. This calc assumes Sonic is on the same plane as the stars but…he isn’t. Sonic and the explosions he generates are closer to the camera than they are to the stars. The camera even zooms in on the Metarex he destroyed and it clearly shows he’s closer to the planet than he is to the stars. Granted, Chaos Control did fling the emeralds across the universe at MFTL+ speeds, but no one physically scales to Chaos Control’s warp speed. At best, you can only argue that Shadow can accelerate his speed to these levels while using Chaos Control. Regardless, Shadow is stronger while Mewtwo is either faster or relative in speed.
With stats out of the way, let’s talk about abilities. This is interesting because both have abilities that would instantly end the fight if used properly. Mewtwo could mind control Shadow, erase his memories, or turn him into stone. This version of Shadow doesn’t resist any of these abilities so it could be game over if he pulled these off on him. Shadow on the other hand could just freeze time with Chaos Control and pummel Mewtwo to death with his superior strength. Chaos Control lasts for 90 seconds, so that’s more than enough time to end the fight.
Which one is more likely to use their win con first? It probably just depends on speed. If we ranked Shadow as being relative, then he probably would pull off Chaos Control first, just based on him using it more than Mewtwo has used mind control and petrification. If Mewtwo is faster, then he would probably mind read and mind wipe Shadow before he has the chance to do anything. As for who wins this round, we’ll let the reader decide based on what we’ve presented.
Stronger than base Shadow
Fast enough to keep pace with Super Shadow
Likely the smarter combatant of the two
Can mind control Shadow or erase his memories
Has no defenses against Chaos Control
Slower travel speed
Stronger as Super Shadow
Faster travel speed
Chaos Control makes Mewtwo a sitting duck
Susceptible to Mewtwo’s brainwashing and mind control
Has no defenses against Mewtwo’s petrification
Mewtwo (Anime) vs Shadow (Game)
Technically how the matchup accurately is based around, and our next verdict. Seeing how Mewtwo could square up with the anime version, can Mewtwo beat Shadow? Well…
Starting off with stats… things don't look good at all for the genetic Pokémon. As previously mentioned, this version of Mewtwo can be scaled to Zygarde destroying the Megalith and Diglett’s lightspeed claims, which would put him in the multi-continental and light speed range. Impressive, but game Shadow has plenty of feats that match and surpass this level of power. For example, a single Chaos Emerald can move entire continents and Shadow’s super form utilizes the full power of all seven emeralds. This feat in question is over 270 million times more powerful than the best AP feat Mewtwo can scale to.
In terms of abilities, it doesn’t really help that this version of Mewtwo is far less versatile than his video game counterparts, and most abilities he has are countered by this version of Shadow. Petrification? Shadow resists that. Mind control? Shadow has also resisted that, and the emeralds would protect him even if he couldn’t. Shadow on the other hand is far more versatile and still has an ability Mewtwo has no direct answer to…Chaos Control. Once time is stopped, there isn’t much this Mewtwo can do to turn the tides in his favor.
I’m sure to win because I'm smarter!
Uhh he can read Shadow's mind!
Wallahi I'm finished 💔
…except telepathy ig
Old Episode Round
Flip: Gonna explain here for those who aren’t that familiar with blogs, and we have seen some people who don’t understand these sections so much even when reading a good number of blogs. It’s obvious to say that the reason this section has teams is because not all people agree with a character winning this round. Furthermore, there will be a tally for this round in particular later on, but not necessarily everyone inside a team agrees with all arguments used on each verdict. You won’t be writing a verdict for every view from every person in this blog because otherwise it would be an even more gigantic blog, so they try to encapsulate most arguments people in each member team buy. Read both verdicts with care to see what you personally buy. Don’t please, don’t go over “ah, X character had more votes here so it means he really wins” or “Y person voted this so I should buy this too”, read both verdicts with care and make up your own mind about this. Versus is subjective and therefore opinions vary, and I imagine you guys should have your own too.
Team Mewtwo
Starting with stats. For starters, Mewtwo scaling to the Creation Trio is fine. Rainbow Rocket is just Mewtwo owned by Giovanni. While training makes a Pokémon way stronger, in this case, Giovanni didn’t train Mewtwo. Wild Mewtwo and RR Mewtwo are the same level, and the only difference between this timeline and the main one is that Red wasn’t around to stop Giovanni. And given the Creation Trio’s feats, especially Giratina’s, this puts Mewtwo at a solid Multiversal+. The reason why is stated in the BtV above, but there are a lot of things supporting it.
People will state that there are multiple members of the Creation Trio, with Arceus creating a new one in the Sinjoh Ruins event, and Palkia and Dialga appearing in the wild while under Cyrus’s possession in the same game. This rebuttal has many issues. The basic one is Palkia. Everything from the first Pokedex entry to the last relating to him refers to him as the creator of parallel dimensions and spatial dimensions. Plural. The Eterna City statue where it’s Palkia’s description says the same thing as well, and that arriving in the same universe is Palkia’s blessing. The opposition will try to state that it’s just referring to the local macrocosm but this isn’t Dragon Ball. There is no heaven or demon world that gets referred to on the regular, just trivially alluded to. It makes no narrative sense that the worlds that are referring to Palkia are things like the spirit world or the dream world exclusively, especially since none are parallel universes. The only other thing is Ultra Space, which is more damning for the opposition because it contains wormholes to an infinite amount of universes. For example, Ultra Ruins, which is a version of the main world destroyed by Guzzlord.
Furthermore, Arceus himself calls them time and space. Period. And their Origin forms are primordial cosmos. The Sinnoh myths state that there’s nothing but primordial chaos in the beginning. Sound familiar? Plates also state that the Original One breathed alone before the universe came, and that he released two beings of time and space from himself. Arceus delegated. We know that he made Palkia and Dialga do the multiverse creation. The alternative is that Arceus made infinite versions of Palkia and Dialga, which is much harder to believe. Arceus himself uses avatars, and states this as much himself. Palkia and Dialga are space and time itself. They’re very capable of just appearing in multiple places of space and time. Furthermore, the capital G God of the series himself can make more iterations of his children. The dude’s omnipotent (relative to the setting). And he didn’t do this prior when the world was being created due to what was specified above. The lore says an objective number of how many beings were created with the world. Not names, numbers. That’s really hard to come up with an alternate reasoning for. Plus, while different continuities, the manga and especially the anime have pretty blatant showings of there being only one.
Shadow is strong, but his best scaling is finite multiversal instead of infinite multiversal. But for the sake of argument, assume the infinite time and infinite space statement and Zinnia’s Masters statement doesn’t exist. What would be the finite count of universes for the Creation Trio? It’s common knowledge at this point that each game sold is its own universe. To the point where the way to connect universes is referred to as a Link Cable in the Delta Episode. Entralink being the hub between game worlds as well helps a ton with that as well. And on a lesser level, each version is explicitly its own universe. Remakes like ORAS are stated to be RSE if Mega Evolution existed. LGPE are worlds where Chase/Elaine was the protagonist instead of Red. Opelucid City in Unova is stated to be different in a different world, referring to version differences. The G7 games have you travel to the alternate game to retrieve a Cosmog after Nebby becomes the respective box art Legend. And Masters has an event where Juliana and Florian meet, with them realizing they had the same adventure but in different games. But let’s put a number on the copies sold. Using just mainline games (ie: no Ranger or Snap), the number comes out to approximately 327,680,000 worlds.
But it gets better. Since there is a macrocosm, with a bunch of alternate worlds per universe (the aforementioned Spirit and Dream Worlds, Bronzong’s rain dimension, etc.), the number is multiplied. And this is without factoring in Ultra Space and the headache that would bring. Being safe let’s just say a billion. Sonic’s cosmology is potentially infinite, but it’s only off of a theory, emphasis on theory, from Tails on a Tailstube, and even then nobody would scale to it. Solaris is the closest, but the monster in-context was devouring past, present, and future as individual universes, as three. But even going all out, say it’s a cosmology wiper, without infinite numbers you’re not going to get numbers very high for Sonic’s multiverse, at least by comparison. Maginaryworld is the normal argument for it, but there’s many problems with that in and of itself. For one, destroying the Precioustone doesn’t mean you’re capable of destroying all of Maginaryworld. If it did, why not just…destroy it if that’s your plan anyway? And two, macguffins don’t have a set durability. In A Link Between Worlds for example, normal dudes destroyed the Triforce, even though absorbing its full power makes you capable of voiding out the entirety of the cosmology (see: Echoes of Wisdom). But let’s say that Shadow’s strength comes to multi+, with zero room for arguing. We’ll get to that later. But for now, Mewtwo takes brawn alongside his brain.
Their speeds are comparable, with Solaris’s light being on a similar level to Necrozma’s manga feat. We don’t really have much more to say to that. They both solidly fall into the quad c range via comparable beings affecting the entire universe in a small time frame. They have arguments for non-finite speeds, such as Solaris affecting multiple timelines and the Creation Trio doing the same, but that’s not speed. None of that is infinite or immeasurable unless the universes are infinite in size. However, Necrozma does have arguments for infinite speed. Ultra Space contains a portal to every universe, and if there’s infinite universes, there are infinite portals, and therefore infinite sized Ultra Space. Which means that Necrozma lighting up Ultra Space would be an infinite speed feat. However, we’d only push that argument to combat the StH arguments that hit the same level.
Abilities and Hax
Let’s get the big one out of the way first. Chaos Control is working on Mewtwo. Unless the TCG Photon Barrier is activated, or maybe Tera Shield/Dynamax preventing statuses (unlikely since time stop isn’t a thing for Pokemon moves as opposed to something Dialga can just do (in TCG, time freeze is a move which is why it’s okay there)), Mewtwo has no defenses against it. And it’s not like Chaos Control stopping time is a niche ability for Shadow. It’s his bread and butter, one of his signature things. However, just because Mewtwo can’t resist it (again, without the Photon Barrier) doesn’t mean he can’t counter it. Mewtwo’s precognition and mind reading can predict it coming, giving Mewtwo a way to plan around it, via doing things like throwing up a barrier to wait out the time stop or teleporting out of the way so by the time Shadow finds him it’s too late. Even if Mewtwo is hit by it (which we won’t lie he likely will), Shadow would have to end Mewtwo with that instance. The idea that Shadow can make the time stop last forever both contradicts everything we’ve seen about the move and spits in the face of Shadow’s entire character, as it implies he was selfishly considering freezing Gerald and Maria in time for eternity. Anyway, Mewtwo’s regeneration means that basic means like blunt force or headshots won’t be enough. And Mewtwo is capable of shutting it off via means like Disable or Taunt. Plus, it consumes energy, Chaos Control. It’s not spammable. Overusing it would cause his reserves to dry up and de-transform.
At the very least, the temporal powers, the spatial powers seem to be less taxing.
But doesn’t Shadow resist power nullification? Well, about that, we have issues with assuming Shadow resists power nullification due to the Neo Devil Doom instance. While it’s true that Chaos Control allows you to negate someone else’s usage of it (see: Metal Overlord negating Shadow’s) we don’t even know if Shadow actually used Chaos Control to negate Doom’s, as he could’ve just gained a time stop resistance. We’ve seen in the same game that Doom Eyes on the Black Moon still follows Shadow even when Chaos Control is active, so it has a basis, and the Chaos Control ability is locked throughout the boss fight anyway, despite Shadow being at his peak already. But even if he did use Chaos Control, it’s possible that it’s due to Shadow now having more power than Black Doom, since Black Doom himself stated that the Doom Zone bends to his will, and Shadow being better than Black Doom at this moment makes it bend to his will instead. The first argument is definitely stronger than the second one. The most likely option is that Shadow resisted time stop as there’s no proof he used Chaos Control to neutralize Black Doom’s. To summarize, stopping Mewtwo in time would likely work, but unless Shadow ends it in the first instance, Mewtwo can counter it.
With that out of the way, let’s go over other, normal powers. Both have big energy blasts in spades. Mewtwo has Shadow Balls and Psystrikes, Shadow has Chaos Spears and Chaos Blasts. Mewtwo has Flamethrower, Shadow has Fire Somersault. Mewtwo has Agility, Shadow has Lightspeed Dash. Mewtwo has Teleport, Shadow has Chaos Snap. Shadow Guard, meet Barrier. Shadow has lock-on guns, Mewtwo has homing attacks. You see where we’re getting at? Their less esoteric abilities, they more or less share. However, Mewtwo has more. Benefit of being in a JRPG franchise where there are moves galore. Some of them won’t matter (what’s Mewtwo gonna do with Submission or Stone Edge?) but it adds to unpredictability. Plus again, with Mewtwo being a JRPG character, secondary effects become an issue. The aforementioned Flamethrower, unlike Fire Somersault, can leave a burn status. Which means ½ physical power on top of the continuous damage for Shadow. Due to Shadow’s immunity to poisons and diseases with his physiology, poison (and worse, bad poison) won’t work on him, but the others would. Sleep, paralysis (Shadow resisted the paralysing gas because it’s not designed to work on Black Doom species), freezing, flinching, confusion, even if it’s temporary it’ll become a problem.
This also includes stat debuffs. Mewtwo really likes using Psychic and Shadow Ball, both which have a chance to lower special defense, to a minimum of .25x. The Immunity Idol from Chronicles can potentially circumvent this, but it can be destroyed for one, and two, the status effects in that game only really cover poison and paralysis as an equivalent to Pokemon. It could bypass burn’s secondary effect due to how Vulnerable works. But for stat drops, they don’t care about Pokemon’s own status immunity effects like Safeguard, and require Mist instead. Finally for this section, Mewtwo’s standard range is just larger. Chaos Spear and its variants and Chaos Blast, and to a lesser extent Black Tornado are the only moves with crazy range. Everything else is pretty close. Meanwhile most of Mewtwo’s attacks can reach that very high distance.
There’s also the fact that telekinesis is…really good. Being able to control the battlefield by throwing around the environment, projectiles, and even your enemy is very useful. Silver has shown in Sonic how powerful it is, and he manhandles a large portion of the cast with it. Shadow is a notable exception. Shadow and Silver fight, and Shadow can break out of Silver’s hold…only if you’re playing as Silver. If it’s the boss fight and you’re playing Shadow against Silver, you can’t break out. Sonic is the same way when Silver fights him. You can’t just pin him down with telekinesis in the boss fight, but Sonic is infamously screwed if Silver catches him when Silver’s the boss. Even ignoring that, Silver outright beats him up in the cutscene after with telekinesis. Basically, Shadow’s resistance to Silver’s power isn’t a thing. As Sonic would resist it by the same logic, and Sonic has shown it time and time again that he doesn’t. Also, more importantly, Silver easily uses his psychic powers on Shadow Clones in Forces.
Next, let’s cover regeneration. Both have healing powers, but Mewtwo’s are better. For multiple reasons. Mewtwo can passively heal, and we’ve seen the level of damage it can restore. Getting stabbed in the chest or outright murdered via headshot are trivial to him. Even for active healing, Mewtwo using Recover or Life Dew gets instant healing. Shadow using Shadow Heal is gradual.
Finally, let’s end on the game-ending hax. Starting with Mewtwo, from least to most important, that’s BFR, petrification, and his mind powers. Getting the easy one out of the way, BFR. Somewhat complicated, as Shadow has shown the ability to traverse dimensions with Chaos Control. But in Sonic Prime, despite having an Emerald, he couldn’t Chaos Control out of the Void, and it’s a massive plotpoint. I’d chalk it up to inconsistency, as one, Prime has a lot of them, and two, Emeralds have gotten characters out of Special Zones since the first game (though you can argue that it’s a specific connection to that realm). Bottom line is, Shadow can most likely come back. Next, petrification. Shadow’s actually never seen it before. Sonic has, and has shown the ability to break free (though given how it operates, it seems to be the covered in rock form of transmutation as opposed to flesh becoming stone) The closest instance is Lancelot, his Camelot counterpart, possibly experiencing it, and it ends the level if he’s caught by it. The best case for Super Shadow specifically is the Metal Virus, but not only would that require Super Shadow, as Sonic needed to be Super to be cured (the Deadly Six kept it off of them with the Emeralds due to the Emeralds super-juicing their electromagnetic powers, consistent with Ian saying Silver was unaffected due to his psychic powers subconsciously counteracting electronics), it can also be argued that Super Sonic burned it off with his aura. Something he’s been doing the entire time to a lesser extent with his speed, and the virus is eradicated for good by being tossed into the sun. Even in the panel where he’s fine, you can see remnants of the Metal Virus being evaporated.
If he was just wham, cured, there shouldn’t be any residue. As mentioned before, I specified Super Shadow for the Metal Virus. It existing is very damning evidence against base Shadow resisting it, as he infamously fell to it. Furthermore, in the Otherworld Comedy, the Chaos Emeralds themselves get transmuted into various accessories, like a tiara, a microphone, a champion belt, etc. They retain their power, sure, but they’re not in their natural form. Even the mighty Super Sonic is vulnerable to the transmutation of the shrink ray in Sonic Mania, which turns him into a smaller pixelated version of himself. There’s literally no way to avoid it. Also, Chaotix Recital. It’s not transmutation. Dropping ring boxes is the reward for defeating the enemies that way. It’s like arguing Fire Mario turns Goombas into coins. The likelihood is that Mewtwo’s petrification would work on Shadow. Base for sure, and probably for Super Shadow.
Most importantly, we have the mind hax. The motherlode for Mewtwo. The main thing in Shadow’s favor in base is that Black Doom said that Shadow is immune to his mind control. But there’s issues with that. For one, Shadow had to actively fight it. He didn’t have straight up immunity and succumbed to it before getting a motivating feat from Gerald. With this alone, Mewtwo, while Shadow might be able to fight it off, it would leave him vulnerable. Which Mewtwo could capitalize on. While Shadow can capitalize on Mewtwo’s vulnerability in time stop in turn, Mewtwo’s regeneration means that the advantage would matter less and unlike Shadow, Mewtwo could just use his big ability again. Furthermore, despite that happening, and with both Shadow and Black Doom remembering the events of Shadow the Hedgehog, Gerald states that Black Doom could take over Shadow’s mind, and Shadow never denies it. And Black Doom, despite saying that Shadow is immune, still plans to take over Shadow’s mind. Shadow’s getting affected by rage as he powers up but eventually overpowers it and doesn’t succumb to his rage. So that’s actually a point in Shadow’s favor there.
But while that has merit, let’s get to the things that don’t have legitimacy. Starting with Ifrit. There is nothing in the story that implies Ifrit tried and failed to use his mind control on Shadow’s team. Arguing that he did because he did it successfully in other stories to protags that aren’t Shadow is arguing in bad faith. Ifrit literally never attempts it on Shadow, and that’s not even the only party that Ifrit doesn’t try it on. Silver and Espio don’t have it attempted on them either. Moving on to the other forms of Shadow’s resistances. Namely the Emeralds. The brainwashing laser from Runners, not a feat. The Emeralds absorbed the energy of the beam before it could hit anybody. Absorbing energy doesn’t provide a resistance because the laser’s properties never hit its target. Next, Voxai Overmind. It’s stated that an Emerald could prevent them from being affected by the aura, but it’s leaving out a ton of context. The aura is explicitly a low level field that keeps the things in check. The literal next sentence in that scene states if the Voxai target the Emerald’s holder directly, the Emerald can’t protect them. Which given Mewtwo’s proficiency, unless you want to argue that it’s mediocre, is certainly above a low level.
In one of the sections above, it’s said that Shadow has never been affected by mind hax in canon before. This is objectively untrue.
There are two instances where he’s been affected in canon. IDW, when he’s turned into a Zombot, he’s completely lacking free will and at the mercy of the Deadly Six once they took control. If he resisted mental subjugation like stated, while he’d be a liquid metal robot, he’d still be Shadow. Second instance is in Otherworld Comedy. Where Shadow is mind controlled into thinking he’s a singer. There’s two even further things about this that make this even worse. He had a Chaos Emerald on him. It didn’t protect him as it required a minimum of two in close proximity to protect from the anomaly. And on top of that, the initial incident wasn’t powerful, distorted by the interpretations of everyone on the planet, which is why everyone kept their personalities. Eggman traded range for potency. Only the Egg Field had a lot of potency. There’s also the instance of Black Doom forcing Shadow to vividly relive his memory of the Colony Ark incident for the level The Doom, which wouldn’t happen if he had perfect control over his mind like stated. On the subject of the Otherworld Comedy, it is definitely the best instance of characters being able to have their memories restored. Because it’s what happened. Sonic didn’t seem to be affected at all since he and his Emerald were by Tails and his Emerald, and Tails was only affected briefly. Furthermore, Silver and Blaze were freed from the mind manipulation only after Sonic and Tails confronted them (it’s worth noting that Blaze went Burning and was still under the manipulation). However, memory restoration is a far cry from straight-up mind control, something Mewtwo is proficient in. And later on when the Egg Field goes off with its more powerful effects, even with multiple Emeralds, everyone in range was rendered helpless by the effects of being swarmed with alternate memories. They were only saved by the Deus Ex Machina of Orbot and Cubot accidentally firing on Eggman’s Egg Field. Super Sonic explicitly negated Otherworldification, but at that point it doesn’t work in a way that implies a direct attack on Sonic’s mind wouldn’t work. It made it so that Super Sonic could destroy whatever false reality Eggman in Light Man was making. Mewtwo can’t do that so it’s not important. What is important is that yes, the mind control would still work. And even if it couldn’t, Shadow has no resistance to Mewtwo’s telepathy with reading his mind, or inflicting confusion. Mewtwo wiping Super Shadow’s mind, he could potentially regain the memories, but it would take a while, long enough for Mewtwo to capitalize.
On the other end, there’s Shadow’s game ending abilities. There’s a whole section above about Chaos Control, and yes, it’s a big boon to Shadow. But on top of that, Shadow has other things. Wisps, for example. Indigo Asteroid tears apart things with gravitational pull. However, that’s the only Wisp that matters. What about Violet and Blue Wisps? The fact of the matter is that Shadow has never used them like their durability negating properties. Frankly we can’t even say that he knows how to. The Cube Wispon weapon has only been used by the Sonic Forces Avatar. Not even Sonic has used it. Violet Void, while having been used by Shadow, was only in racing where its effects were merely slowing those in its field and drawing in items. But on that note, Mewtwo is able to withstand Gardevoir’s Fairy Singularity, an application of its own black hole gravity powers, in Pokemon Unite, which acts very similarly. This covers Indigo Asteroid as well. Mewtwo and other Pokemon have experienced gravity powers before. Gardevoir aside, Black Hole Eclipse is a dark type Z-Move which sucks up anything in range for massive damage, and many Pokemon have taken it, even in the anime, like how Ash’s Lycanroc countered it by dropping rocks from its own Z-Move on it.
But what about sealing? Shadow is capable of sealing beings as shown in 06, correct? Well that’s the thing. In 06. The events of that game were erased. Shadow has never experienced those events and therefore doesn’t even know if he could. And that’s assuming that even if he did it would work due to Shadow not having the Scepter of Darkness.
Chaos Rift, Mewtwo’s cross-dimensional teleportation allows him to come back from that. Mewtwo’s own dimensional rifts act very similarly to Chaos Rift, and he can go in and out of those.
There’s also Shadow’s various OHKO moves. While they wouldn’t kill Mewtwo, they’d knock him out, since even with Mewtwo’s regeneration he’s able to faint in Pokemon, correct? Well, there’s more nuance than that. For one, we’re unsure if Mewtwo could normally faint, if literal death only put him down for a couple seconds. But let’s say he can. It’s Pokemon, and fainting is the name of the game, plus Mewtwo was knocked out in the manga by Zygarde. Ichikoro Gauge is the big one, and it’s really just a strong attack. It’s not haxy in nature and inflicts death a la JRPG doom spells. It’s just a strong enough attack to defeat its opponent in one hit. Something no stranger to Pokemon, like Horn Drill and Guillotine. Mewtwo in Tera or Dynamax is completely immune to those, but on top of that, the attack is useless if blocked. The gauge goes back down to 0 and needs to fill up again. It’s a very standard attack too. It’s not hard to predict, especially coming from a guy who can see the future. Plus, Mewtwo has Me First. If Shadow tries that, Mewtwo does it first, and Shadow has shown to fall to it, let alone at 1.5 damage. The move would also only matter under the assumption that Super Shadow is equal to Mewtwo. The Omochao Gun isn’t an OHKO weapon either. It’s just really strong. Getting meta for a second here, in games, an attack that instakills is programmed to do all of the health regardless of any factor if it hits. The Omochao Gun’s programming is merely a number that’s larger than the HP of a majority of the enemies in game, as well as having a large AoE. Spartoi the Chao uh…yeah that one actually checks out. While it’s a mere 10% chance of oneshotting, it’s still a legitimate OHKO thing, and it’s imbued in all of Shadow’s attacks. Mewtwo’s resistance to that, aside from Shadow not getting lucky or dodging, is just gonna be Tera or Dynamax. But that’s the only way Shadow has to instantly end the fight. His other instant defeat options come from means he’s never shown doing or can’t remember doing. And if his best shot at matching game-ending abilities is a single Chao that makes him have a 10% chance of OHKO’ing his opponent, he’s not winning that game.
Tertiary Factors
Remember when we said “we’ll get back to that” when referring to even if Super Shadow was multi+ and on Mewtwo’s level? Here it is. Even if they were dead even in stats, the biggest tertiary factor is…Shadow needs his Super forms to stand a chance. Note how we never even brought up Mega forms for Mewtwo for the verdict, and that’s because he doesn’t need it. He’s multi+ in base, the alternate forms only increasing that number. And a lot of, if not all of Shadows equipment is meant for base level threats. His guns, swords, wisps, chao, items, etcetera, Mewtwo can destroy with a mere thought due to the massive power gap. Shadow could theoretically buff them like Sonic did with Tails and Shadow against Metal Overlord, but that’s just it: Sonic. Shadow has never done this, and there’s no proof that he knows how, and Sonic is canonically better at handling the Super Form than Shadow. And Shadow himself is on a time limit. He de-transforms, that’s it. Game over. And the fact that some of his best powers require him to use excess energy, and he’s fighting a guy who passively increases energy consumption with Pressure, not to mention having several TCG abilities to drain energy or the fact that Embargo could possibly stop Chaos Emerald usage altogether, and it becomes a much harder battle.
And about the Emeralds, Shadow needs them to not come up short against Mewtwo’s hax. Let’s assume there’s no rebuttals to any of Shadow’s resistances. He needs them to stop him from getting mindwiped instantly. He needs them to not be turned to stone (the one time Shadow experienced petrification, it was his Camelot counterpart, and it’s a literal instant game over). He needs them to come back from BFR. And if Shadow tries summoning them back if Mewtwo takes them, he’s not winning that tug of war. To make matters worse, they can be broken. And have been in the past, by base level things. They can be repaired but it would take too much to matter here. Meanwhile, all of Mewtwo’s best stuff is innate. Mewtwo’s held items are small boons at best, the armor is an outright liability, and he doesn’t need a Mega Stone to Mega Evolve. Even the spoon is his own power made physical. If Mewtwo gets stripped of his items, it’s not a problem. If Shadow does, he’s at a significant disadvantage. Oh also, if Mewtwo knocks off the Inhibitor Rings while Shadow is Evolved, Shadow blows up.
“I do not know what I am, and soon it may not matter.”
Much stronger, even with Super Shadow
Greater versatility
Larger standard range
Not on a time limit
At worst, mental subjugation will stall Shadow
Can invalidate most of Shadow’s arsenal
Telepathy and precognition allow him to read Shadow
Doesn’t need an external source for noteworthy powers and resistances
Actually playable in Smash Bros.
Vulnerable to Chaos Control without Photon Barrier up
Spartoi Chao makes Shadow’s normal attacks problematic if not Tera/Dynamax
Chaos Spear bypasses force fields
Shadow with Emeralds can return from BFR
Low tier in Smash Bros.
Team Shadow
First, let's start with base Shadow’s strength. Due to naturally being on par with characters like Sonic, who broke the chain of Little Planet. Sonic also survived the explosion of the Death Egg, and Shadow exploded it with one Chaos Blast. This would get Shadow in the multi-continental range. Thanks to being on par with characters that scale to at least a single Chaos Emerald, Shadow should scale to their large planet level potency, and this is consistent with other feats like Eggman using Chaos Control to split the planet. Sonic tanked the Violet Void’s wisp black holes, and defeated Ibis, who also created a black hole that gets to the large star range. Heck, the Eggmobile - which is constantly defeated by the Sonic characters - survived a huge black hole that was gonna wipe out all of Terminal Velocity, a black hole in the solar system's levels of power; very similarly to Eggman's Final Egg Blaster, which destroyed entire star clusters. Shadow scales to this because he's on par with the blue blur, who defeated Emerl while empowered by the blaster. To finally end it, Sonic defeated Erazor Djinn, who absorbed half of the entire Arabian Nights universe, and in Sonic Prime, arguably took an explosion that shattered the entire universe. Regardless of your opinions of the latter, thanks to Sonic defeating Djinn, Shadow should comfortably be multi-galaxy in base, and universal If you really push for the Paradox Prism feat.
What about speed? Shadow's one of the fastest characters of the series: he can dodge bullets, lightning, and move in light speed circuits, a feat worth 7 times the speed of light. Thanks to matching Sonic almost every time, being faster than light would be consistent, as the hedgehog can boost with speeds of over 11 times light speed, arguably thousands of times via dodging lasers in Sonic Prime, but that's more arguable due to the nature of the lasers of the series. Regardless, there are other feats that Shadow can scale that go even higher than that. Because Emerl was empowered by the Final Egg Blaster, he should scale to its potency; which fires a laser to destroy star clusters at 6 to 60 billion times the speed of light! Sonic constantly matched Emerl while empowered by it, so it's reasonably not out of Shadow's reach. Additionally, because of Sonic X Shadow Generations’s new DLC and other information that might lead to affirm the Paramount movies’ continuity is canon, Shadow should be on par with the likes of movie Sonic, which created a massive shockwave that spread across the universe. This would require speeds of 100 trillion times the speed of light, and Sonic can use that kind of energy when he's empowered by it. Obviously, that one is a bit much more debatable, but it shouldn't be out of range.
For Super Shadow and Shadow Evolved, his strength and speed get elevated to a whole ‘nother level. He can match Super Sonic in power, who defeated the universe merging Egg Wizard, and Super Shadow can defeat beings like Solaris, who absorbed multiple dimensions, spread his light across the universe and was gonna wipe all existing timelines. He should also be on the same levels of the Time Eater, who erased all of time and space leaving just a while void in reality. Black Doom also corrupted the entirety of White Space who is connected to all dimensions and all timelines. Thanks to all of these, the forms should very easily be at least universal, and even higher thanks to bosses affecting all dimensions and timelines. Because some of them happen in quick time (Solaris’ light spread happening in 20 seconds, Time Eater's erasure happening in 10 seconds) they can get into the quadrillion times light speed range safely, and because Chaos Control speeds can let Shadow escape the Paradox Prism’s explosion, he should scale to 1 quintillion times the speed of light; consistent, because in Shadow Generations, Black Doom corrupts White Space in 3 seconds, which also gets to 1 quintillion times the speed of light.
Now, how can Mewtwo compare to all of these? How strong and fast is he? Let's start with strength. Mewtwo's power is enough to create devastating hurricanes worth of megatons of TNT, but that's light work compared to the best of his abilities. He scales and outperforms Kyogre and Groudon, who both can threaten the entire Pokémon world with their power. Mewtwo's power also managed to match Zygarde, who battled against Necrozma. Now, Necrozma is already a very powerful Pokémon; being able to absorb stars to empower itself, but it arguably does something on a much greater caliber: absorbing all the light in Ultra Space. That, however, is much likely not the case. Context matters, and in that context, Necrozma was sucking the light of a specific Ultra Space called Ultra Megopolis. It's an understandable error, considering the term Ultra Space can be referred to both an individual Ultra Space and the Ultra Space universe, both Necrozma was not absorbing the light of the entire thing, just one Ultra Space (which had a star). If you wanna use it anyways though, it ranges from solar system, multi-galaxy and even universal. Ignoring it for a bit, you can argue Mewtwo scaling higher anyways, thanks to having a few scaling chains that lead to the almighty Creation Trio. These Pokémon are the best of the best; Dialga and Palkia being space and time theirselves. They can manipulate the universe. Giratina in particular can create gigantic rifts that not only would destroy our entire universe, but also his own universe: the Distortion World. In Legends Arceus, Giratina was also sustaining a rift that encompassed multiple dimensions, and could extend to even the entire Pokémon multiverse in order to call Arceus. For speed, Mewtwo is already pretty fast, being capable of reacting to bullets and dodging laser-based attacks in the Pokémon franchise, but by far the best feat he can scale in the games is performed by Lunala, going through Ultra Space 1 billion times faster than light. There's an argument for Necrozma possibly getting around the quadrillions c range - in which you can probably compare to some of Shadow's, however, it has a very big issue. The feat is calculating the move Light That Burns The Sky from USUM and comparing it to the manga feat. You can see the issue; applying a technique from a move in game that isn't even close to affecting a universe to a feat in the manga that has arguments for it is wack. With only scaling to Lunala’s feat, this is notably slower than Shadow, arguably even without Super and Evolved, who are billions to trillions of times faster.
But wait a minute, shouldn't Dialga and Palkia scale to their entire infinite multiverse thanks to being part of the Pokémon’s multiverse creation? And shouldn't Mewtwo also scale to the shockwave Arceus created that gets quadrillions to quintillions of times faster than light in the Pokémon anime? For both questions, not exactly. A frequent debate that pops around is the fact that there might not be just one Creation Trio that sustains the whole multiverse, but multiple Creation Trios; each sustaining their own universe. So, which one is true? We believe that - more often than not - it's much more likely that there are multiple Creation Trios. To give notable examples, in HGSS, Arceus just creates a Creation Trio out of nowhere, and the idea of other Creation Trios existing separately is backed up in USUM. Cyrus has his own Dialga/Palkia, but later on, you can find Dialga/Palkia yourself on Ultra Space. You may think this all can be avoided regardless because of PLA, and sure, they're the time and space of all creation… that being its universe. That's even mentioned in the scan. It would still make sense if there were multiple Dialgas and multiple Palkias - as each pair are time and space of their respective universes. There being one Creation Trio doesn't make sense with what is shown and established in the series, and unfortunately even individual CT members aren't cosmology wipers. While there are statements in the game and manga that they would end "reality", this is very obviously referring to just the singular universe/reality they're fighting in, as that is Cyrus' goal in the first place. Additionally, Cyrus and the other characters would have no idea of being aware of the grander multiverse, though that's admittedly just a side point. While there is a statement of Palkia being the creator of parallel dimensions, it doesn't say all of them, and it would only be proof it created the macrocosm that the singular Pokémon universe inhabits. For similar reasons, game Mewtwo shouldn't scale to the Arceus/CT from the anime, as there is no scaling chain that would lead Mewtwo to that feat. Without better speed feats to compare, Shadow takes speed very comfortably.
Continuing on CT scaling, there is one exception to this, though (doesn’t matter for speed). Mewtwo can scale to Giratina’s rift from Legends Arceus, which was gonna consume multiple, if not all dimensions. If you have Mewtwo scaling to the Creation Trio via of the many game chains, he should realistically scale to the rift that Giratina was passively sustaining. Did Giratina affect all of the multiverse, though? Maybe not. Most of the statements seem to be that space-time is being affected by Giratina overlapping multiple universes and creating the rift, but nothing really implying a scope beyond what he's affecting currently. Even the rift compared to in Platinum just says that "our world will be destroyed", not implying it goes beyond their own universe and the Distortion World. The strongest argument would be the fact that Volo was making Giratina open the rift on all universes to drag Arceus’ attention, but he doesn't specify that at all. He just says that he opened the rift to drive their attention, not specifying other universes at all. Giratina should be affecting a good number of dimensions, but at least in the opinion of most people inside this team, not all of them.
This leads us to arguing which one is bigger: the number of dimensions in Sonic (finitely) VS the number of dimensions that Giratina was affecting with the rift. In Sonic, we have the main universe, the Special Stages universe, the Storybook universes (2), Digital Dimension, the Shatterverse (5 universes) and the Void, Cyber Space, The Exception, Maginaryworld and The End of Time. Possibly more, but some aren't that applicable due to either not necessarily having confirmation to be universal in size (for example, Sleeping Egg, Chaotic Inferno, Aquatic Zone) or just not being on the range due to being closed off from all dimensions (like Null Space and probably Egg Reverie). Still, it's at least 14 to 15 universes. But there's more! There's the Sol Dimension, which is a parallel to Sonic's own universe. This would not only include the overall main universe, but the Shatterverse that is inside the main Sonic universe and the Void, which adds 7 more universes to the cosmology. So 22 universes at bare minimum.
What about the Rift? Well, it's actually a bit more complicated, but let's try our best here to get the best number we can. In the english version, it's mentioned to be “innumerable universes”; not exactly clear, but it does leave the impression that it has a great quantity. But since the game is originally Japanese, maybe it has more to it in the original text? Let's look into it.
“よう]時空の裂け目の写真 みてくれよ
なんでも博士いわく時空の裂け目とはいくつもの宇宙が重なり力が飽和して…… いやあ なにいってるんだか チンプンカンプンなんだけどな”
It mentions it as “multiple”, and the kanji can also mean “many/great number of”. We don't have an exact quantity, as it is very much vague, but we can be sure that it encompassed more than one. Maybe three, four, five, you get it. While you may argue that the Pokémon universe is technically infinite, and therefore encompassing a few universes would include infinite universes, it’s the same case with some Sonics universes, with the main example being the End of Time, which is an infinite tunnel dimension. Similarly, Digital Dimension is also arguably an infinite realm, and Cyber Space is a realm so big that is beyond being quantifiable. Overall, finitely, they can get pretty much even in universe quantity, so they should have similar AP.
Bonus: But here's where we mentioned Multiversal+ for Sonic. Of course, it's not the main focus of our points here, as we are giving priority to the finite stats, but we'd like to point out that - going by the logic of multi+ Pokémon - Sonic's arguments are equal, if not pretty much superior. Many people ignore how Tails’ statement is not referring to the endless quantity of universes, but him saying that there are probably infinite Sonics out there, which is entirely possible, as he knows there are universes without the hedgehog. Tails is one of the most intelligent characters in the series, and there isn't much contradiction against his comments that are pretty obviously making a reference to Many Worlds Theory (explained in the infinite cosmology section); even then, Sonic Speed Simulator makes a very clear confirmation there is indeed multiple Sonics through many worlds, and this game is being used for this round because of the rules. Even if you don't buy the game being canon, which is understandably questionable for many, you can't just ignore the fact that this game cannot contradict canon in any way possible, it’s not even remotely close to the situation in Archie comics. Even more, Zinnia’s comment on “infinite universes” is as valid as Orbot’s comment on White Space. They're obviously not referring to the multiverse actually being infinite, but rather telling that the expanse is large. One is knowledgeable about the existence of parallel worlds, but so is the other on White Space’s creation. If you use one for support, the other should also be used for being exactly similar. Regardless of your thoughts, the point is that you can't really buy for one and not for the other, as they consist of pretty much the same logic since they are fundamentally based on the same irl theory. Even if you ignore the Rift’s arguments for not scaling to the full extent of the Pokémon cosmology (thus then being multi+), Shadow would also be on that level of power thanks to Solaris, the Time Eater and Black Doom.
What about infinite and immeasurable speed arguments? Well, nothing really helps Mewtwo's case here. Let’s assume you still buy Mewtwo scaling to the Arceus shockwaves from the anime, which travelled through space-time. Well, that isn't really immeasurable in the first place, especially when you're not implying negative or zero time. It could just be a property of the attack that the distance doesn't matter. Solaris' also falls into a similar case, where his light spreads to other timelines and points in time. Another argument for infinite Pokémon would be Dialga and Palkia being infinite time and infinite space, but there's never anything that points out to that being in relation to their speed. Even in the creation of the universe, we don't know if they did it via some energy wave or something of sort. Meanwhile, characters like Solaris did spread light through realms that are stated to be infinite because he was spreading his light through all existing timelines/all of space-time. There are arguably even more immeasurable Sonic arguments coming from the Time Eater.
The Encyclospeedia mentions that in the final battle, the two Super Sonics and the Time Eater were flying through “the end of time” in a different dimension separated from the others. This feat is discarded by many because of its vague implication. “The end of time” does not necessarily relate to time itself, so the Super Sonics and the Time Eater flying through it doesn’t translate to immeasurable speed. That was until Sonic X Shadow Generations, where Eggman refers to said dimension where the Time Eater travels through as “the dimension of time”. This would make sense, as the whole dimension is - indeed - a timestream (I mean just look at it). In the guides, the End of Time is referred to as both an infinite tunnel dimension AND a stream. While they may seem unreliable at first, these specific descriptions are from the Sonic Generations Brady game guide, which had direct involvement from SoJ and SoA staff who directly worked on the game + and interview with Iizuka himself alongside information within it being later confirmed in future canon sources like the Shadow manga, Encyclopedia, and SxSG and such. Physically moving through the dimension of time itself could imply immeasurable speed, but could is the key word. Being able to casually roam around freely across linear time is a logic that many versus people or websites (most notably, VS Battles Wiki) use that many don't exactly buy or agree with, but the argument exists, and it should be worth bringing.
Another argument comes from one of the Time Eater’s attacks: the Warping Arm Attack. As previously mentioned, the Super Sonics race through the End of Time (a dimensional tunnel beyond White Space where debris from different time periods spills to). The End of Time is described as being an infinite dimensional tunnel (twice) and a stream (alluding to timestream). The 3DS Version of the game depicts the universe being visible in the End of Time. When the Super Sonics fight the Time Eater, they are traveling through time with movement alone. Both Sonics in their Super forms can react to Time Eater's Warping Arm Attack, which unleashes an arm in motion through a Time Hole in the Tunnel. Attacks through Time Holes will space spawn at different points of space and time, such as the same attack hitting both Sonics in base form a while in the future after the time hole was opened. This could also imply immeasurable speeds. The attack is moving through time, specifically through the infinite temporal tunnel that is the End of Time. Essentially it's dodging an attack travelling through time itself.
Overall: Base Shadow is very obviously weaker than Mewtwo, even with Paradox Prism arguments. However, Shadow holds a great speed advantage, especially in Super forms. In their finite stats for AP, they're pretty much even, but if you want to argue multi+ Sonic, then Shadow would either have an edge or tie with Mewtwo (if you buy the Rift being multi+). Shadow overall holds the advantage in stats by being equal in AP for most cases, superior if you go with infinite ends, and faster; regardless of finite or infinite ends. We recommend reading the other sections even if you don’t agree with our AP take.
Abilities and Arsenal
First and foremost, Chaos freakin’ Control. Its sheer versatility and time stopping abilities - up to 90 seconds, as per Sonic X - would be incredibly useful to land meaningful damage on the genetic Pokémon. But would it work? A popular argument against it is saying Mewtwo would turn it off using DIsable, and at least for a good while it was a decent argument. That’s where Sonic X Shadow Generations came in. In the game, every time the Doom Zone is activated, Chaos Control is deactivated due to Black Doom’s power's influence. It’s fair to say this is a form of power nullification. You can see that Chaos Control is disabled throughout the entirety of Radical Highway and the Devil Doom boss fight, but Shadow manages to break free from this nullification and use Chaos Control to break out of Neo Devil Doom’s own Chaos Control. This should be enough to tell you that Disable won’t work, at least not forever. Photon Barrier is also extremely non-standard even by TCG standards (it comes from V-Union which is basically an Exodia card), and worse of all it would contradict what Mewtwo is capable of doing in the games, so we disagree on it being an argument for resistance on a soft-comp. Either way, it “prevents all effects of attacks from your opponent’s Pokémon done to this Pokémon (Damage is not an effect)”, and Chaos Control is not an attack, so why would this even be a counter? Chaos Control is a time stop. It’s important to note that Mewtwo can teleport and move between dimensions, so Shadow trying a simple BFR (not talking about sealing) on Mewtwo with Chaos Control wouldn’t be a good plan though, but it’s safe to say he can make Mewtwo become a sitting duck in this fight, especially when Shadow already takes speed. It’s not like Mewtwo can BFR Shadow either, given not only the emohog can teleport between dimensions with Chaos Control, but Sonic was shown to escape from Null Space simply by running fast, and Shadow has equal speeds to Sonic. What about other abilities?
Mewtwo would likely counter anything that involves status inducements like Chaos Spear, given that not only Lum Berry and Safeguard can cure/prevent these effects. With Mewtwo’s natural mind resistances, it’s likely that special weapons such as the Heal Cannon, which can drain the will to fight from enemies, can be rendered moot here. If we go even further, Mewtwo is resistant to other psychic-type Pokémons. That includes Inkay, a Pokémon that flashes the light-emitting spots on its body, which drains its opponent's will to fight. This is oddly specific, but being Pokémon, of course it would have a Pokémon with a very similar power. Mist would also prevent Mewtwo from being lowered and certain moves enhanced by Z-Crystals can fix lowered stats.
What about Shadow? What does he counter?
For starters, any attacks targeting Shadow’s mind, like Mind Control and Memory Erasure are naturally countered by Shadow. Not only Shadow has resisted Black Doom’s mind control, but the Chaos Emeralds also protect the user from having their memories altered.
Going even further, Hypnosis is resisted and specifically countered via the Immunity Idol, so at best, the only moves that will be working here are Mind Reading and Telepathy.
You will see how most shit is countered by the Chaos Emeralds naturally, right? Petrification? Shadow not only resists it naturally, but Chaos Emeralds counter them as well. Attacks like Shadow Ball? Countered by both the Immunity Idol and the Chaos Emeralds. Energy Ball? Immunity Idol and the Chaos Emeralds negates them. Event Hurricane? Immunity Idol and the Chaos Emerald again. Confusion? Yes Patrick, they are countered by both the Immunity Idol and the Chaos Emeralds (not to mention Shadow can do the same with his orbs). Dynamic Punch and Chilling Water? Same as before. What about Energy Absorption moves like we have on TCG for Mewtwo EX? Not only are they naturally countered by Sonic characters, since they are able to restore chaos energy via thoughts and emotions consistently, guess what? Chaos Emeralds negating Dark Oak’s energy draining in Sonic X just puts more salt to the wound.
Mewtwo’s Soul Manipulation from Detective Pikachu? Also won’t work, because not only Shadow is neither a human or Pokémon, he would need to be in a crazed state for it to work. Sure, Mewtwo could use that on Pikachu without him being in a crazed state, but that's because Harry’s Pikachu allowed it. Besides, the Chaos Emeralds can technically do the same thing, so they should cancel out at worst.
Pressure can be countered by the rings themselves given they restore stamina. Shadow possesses many, MANY Rings that could realistically make him go around fighting for years, and Shadow Evolved seemingly has no time limit. Speed Simulator goes on and makes this even more insane due to the fact pets and trails can give him thousands of Rings just by collecting a single one. Additionally, items from Chronicles like the POW candy and soda recover Shadow's PP similar to Pokémon’s.
Shadow’s resistance to extreme temperatures should counter attacks like Ice Punch, Blizzard and Ice Beam, because not only are Shadow and Super Shadow able to survive in deep space (which has temperatures really close to Zero Kelvin), Shadow himself can break out from being frozen.
Trick Room can be countered with sheer speed due to the Null Space feat, and even Hawlucha broke it with its sheer strength (goat). This doesn't count since it's a glitch, but it's funny that Regieleki can break Trick Room by being very, VERY fast.
Shadow can very easily bypass any barrier attacks thanks to attacks like Chaos Spear
Super Shadow being very similar to Megas makes it clear that the popular arguments with Power Swap and Guard Swap moves doesn’t work, given they also don’t work on Mega Evolutions. Additionally, it doesn't even work against other Pokémon forms like Dynamax. Shadow transforming should be safe.
Shadow resists Psychic and overall telekinesis, given Silver technically needs to stun Shadow in order to grab him with his ESP, and Shadow breaks out of it if he's not stunned.
Thunder Punch, Thunderbolt, Psychic Noise and Thunder are likely resisted via Immunity Idol, and it’s arguable that Shadow resist Silver's Psycho Shock, adding a natural defense to it. Shadow can also resist paralyzing gas.
Skill Swap is useless, given Shadow is not a Pokémon and he won’t have a skill to swap.
Miracle Eye is an argument made for Mewtwo’s side that seemingly has the capability to ignore Shadow's resistances to psychic attacks, but that's wrong. It negates Dark Pokémon’s resistances, and even then, they're still vulnerable to attacks like Hypnosis. Shadow's not a Pokémon and still has resistances to most Psychic attacks, so Miracle Eye is moot.
Shadow can debatably bypass Future Sight. Technically speaking due to being built just like Sonic, and also being a character naturally wielding Chaos energy, he can arguably bypass causality itself to the point predicting the future would be useless. For example, the Cyber portal Sage created (which is connected to Chaos energy) was being said by Tails in the japanese version to deny the laws of causality, and Sonic himself was attempting to transcend causality itself. Heck, Super Sonic killed The End, whose defeat needed to “break the chains of fate” and “transcend law and time”. Super Shadow should equally be as competent. Shadow has a Danger Sense too but it isn't nearly as potent as literally predicting the future but hey he can at least predict if Mewtwo is gonna do a sneak attack or something
Psy Barrier and Darkness Switch could likely be useful for switching damage, but Shadow's forms are invulnerable, and would likely not even be damaged. While there's a debate around the invulnerability of Super forms, Shadow can stack up his Hero or Dark states, which are undoubtedly invulnerable. Shadow Evolved is also shown to be invulnerable to damage all the time.
Card abilities that involve nullifying powers from non-evolved Pokémon wouldn't work because lol guess what
Many would argue that removing Shadow's Inhibitor Rings would make him explode because of Gerald’s statement, but most miss the point. First of all, it's clear in the context that Gerald saying that Shadow could potentially explode was referring to his energy; what he meant in that dialogue was that if he removed his Inhibitor Rings, he would “explode” his energy. Second, it's a theory. Sure, Gerald created Shadow, but he has never seen the combination of Shadow using a Super powered state and him removing his Inhibitor Rings. Heck, he hasn't seen a Super form at all. Even then, other media like Sonic X and Paramount’s Sonic 3 show that Shadow removing his Rings doesn't make him explode, just unleash more power. If Super Shadow can tank something like this, Shadow Evolved would be in a similar case. Even then, this would be irrelevant as - again - Shadow has too many Rings to keep the battle going for this to actually matter.
Ok, let’s talk about what’s even more important: What will Mewtwo and Shadow not resist, besides the stuff already mentioned?
Let’s go over Mewtwo first given it’s a longer list:
Mewtwo doesn’t have any counters to Shadow’s lock-on weapons to know exactly where he is at all-times.
Some might argue that the fact Shadow’s attacks are imbued with space-time distortions can be considered a form of negating durability, but we don’t think this is the best argument ever, specially when you compare to 100% confirmed to be legit ones, like Vergil’s from Devil May Cry series. That being said, there's a case to be made here. The Sonic Battle descriptions mention that he specifically attacks by warping space-time. Attacks like Roaming Chaos directly pierce opponents by manipulating space-time itself, so it could maybe act similar, but we're not gonna rely on it too heavily.
Mewtwo’s answers to Ichikoro Gauge and Spartoi Chao are far from perfect, which gives Shadow options even for one-hit knockout (OHKO) moves. For example, Ichikoro Gauge can be blocked in general, but that depends on speed and given that we buy Shadow being faster, it’s unlikely Mewtwo can put one up in time, and Barriers, Reflects and Protects won’t last forever. Of course, these OHKO options won’t be useful when Tera Shield is activated, but said shield can be broken. Being reasonable, even if they don’t kill Mewtwo outright, his regeneration won't save him from being knocked out, given OHKO moves work on him and more importantly it allows for Shadow to use his other options that take care of the job with a way easier time. Also, Shadow has weapons like the Shadow Rifle and the Omochao Gun, which can potentially defeat enemies in single strikes. While there's the chance they don't, his increasing arsenal would help him through (or he can just shoot it again ngl).
Shadow has in his disposal an array of Chao, pets and Trails with unique abilities that can influence both his and his opponent's luck. This can skew the battlefield in his favor by causing an opponent like Mewtwo to miss attacks while simultaneously boosting his own accuracy and effectiveness. You might say: “Some of these Chao aren't Super level! While their abilities could be used regardless of stats, wouldn’t Mewtwo easily destroy them?.” Well, technically yes, but also nothing stops Shadow from sharing his Chaos power with them just like Sonic did in Heroes.
The same thing can be said for Wisps… and frankly some are very interesting. Violet Void not only passively distorts space-time but also uses the absorbed matter to enhance it’s effects. Indigo Asteroid can destroy any matter close to him in an instant and turn into rings. Also, secret weapon? Blue Cube is kinda busted. It can transmute enemies into cubes with its power, and there is really no reason to believe that Mewtwo’s resistance to Petrification means this kind of transmutation won't work on him - as being petrified and being turned into a Ring/Cube are very different things. So there you go, something in Shadow’s arsenal to end the fight that isn’t AP related.
Shadow, though, has no real answer to Me First, which makes Mewtwo attack first, but Chaos Control is not a damaging move (when being utilized for spatial and time manipulation) so it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Even then, Shadow is resistant to a majority of his own attacks. Shadow also doesn’t have any way to disable moves that heals Mewtwo, so in the healing game, it's likely that Mewtwo can match the Ultimate Lifeform due to having more healing moves than Shadow Heal and Chaos Regeneration.
Let's discuss some interesting stuff, though. In Speed Battle, Shadow (without mentioning any skin exclusive abilities) has two abilities that auto lock on an opponent and when they're struck with his power, they lose one of their power-ups. Idol Shadow’s Chaos Cord also completely nullifies your ability to use power-ups for a few seconds. This is extremely useful against Mewtwo, who has no showings of resisting power nullification. Sure, Giovanni used machines that in his words were to nullify Mewtwo's power, but context matters, and in Mewtwo Returns, the machines only electrocuted Mewtwo to make him weak. That is not equivalent to losing his powers.
Another quite notable point is how Shadow Mewtwo is at a severe disadvantage simply by concept, given it’s a transformation that is obtained through negative energy, which is something the Super Forms are specifically targeted to counter. The Shadow Synergy Stone is the stone of ruin, and it's clear in the story that it made Mewtwo corrupted into something more evil-ish. Super forms like Super Shadow specifically neutralize negative sources like the Shadow Synergy Stone; like how Super Sonic did with Perfect Chaos’ negative energy from Sonic Adventure and the Mother Wisp’s corruption in Sonic Colors DS.
Even without ALL of this, what If Mewtwo manages to kill Shadow anyways? Well, no worries, as Shadow has methods to revive himself in battle! Buddies from Sonic Runners, Angel Amulet and the Ovus Chao - both from Sonic Chronicles - can bring Shadow back to life if he manages to die. While it may seem problematic at first given you'd think he needs to collect Rings again to go back to his Super level forms, that is not the case. For instance, let's look at the most recent games. In Sonic Frontiers, you simply need to collect all Chaos Emeralds to go Super, regardless of Rings, and they'll give you a minimum amount. The same happens in Sonic X Shadow Generations, where in some instances, you'll transform into Shadow Evolved regardless of your Rings. Either way, he can use Ring boxes and the Ring Cans to gain more Rings, and he is fast enough to do it.
It would be cool to mention PMD items but they literally explode if you use it outside of their dungeon, so like…. yeah, sorry.
Overall: While Mewtwo has an insane amount of abilities, Shadow resists practically all of them. Meanwhile, Mewtwo has no answers to Shadow's go-to-move that stops time, making him vulnerable to many of Shadow's abilities; some that are potent enough to instantly end the fight. Shadow takes the win in abilities and arsenal.
Tertiary Factors
Finally, we will compare their skills and experience. Skills should be on an equal footing. Mewtwo was made to fight, shown to be a legitimate threat to most trainers and their Pokémons, be it in the manga, the anime or the games, and is always sought by Team Rocket given his Legendary Status. Shadow is so competent in fighting that he was able to defeat martial arts masters like Knuckles, is considered to be a match for Sonic, can take on Emerl who is abundantly skilled in martial arts and weapon mastery, and Shadow is also a weapon master himself. He is also a pro in infiltration, which was clearly helped with his training in ninjutsu from Espio.
Shadow also is noted to have a 200 IQ. Really good, but not near Mewtwo's level of intelligence, who far exceeds that. For comparison, Mewtwo's intelligence far exceeds those of Pokémon like Alakazam, who has an impressive IQ of 5000. While brains can be quite helpful, in this matchup, it's not to a very high extent. Both of the characters are very skilled and creative when It comes to the usage of their sets of powers. Even in verse, they're constantly noted to be the best of the best. To put it shortly, they both have quite the skill, the experience, and the intelligence needed to try and gain an edge over the other. Mewtwo can technically even read Shadow's mind for more information if you want to say Shadow is still superior. This last category is a tie.
"I am Shadow The Hedgehog. This Is the destiny I choose!"
Possibly stronger if you buy infinite ends for Sonic while simultaneously argues Mewtwo/Giratina doesn't scale to their infinite multiverse
Much faster; regardless of finite or infinite ends
Mewtwo has no answers to Chaos Control’s ability to stop time
Resists the majority of Mewtwo's game ending abilities, naturally and with items
Ichikoro (alongside things like Pets and Trails and Chao, and guns like the Shadow Rifle and the Omochao Gun) can make it so Shadow potentially one-shots Mewtwo, given his superior speed
Blue Cube and Indigo Asteroid’s power will work regardless of AP
Can make Mewtwo lose items and can nullify his power for a few seconds
Super Shadow’s positive energy can neutralize Shadow Mewtwo
Can revive lmfao
Most interpretations will lead to a similar level of AP
Fighting skills and experience seem to be on a similar level
Not shaped like a latina
Me First would work in all of his moves that are not non-damaging moves when Shadow isn’t in Chaos Control
Even with his 200 IQ, Mewtwo is absurdly smarter
Still vulnerable to telepathy and Mewtwo reading his mind
Lacks answers to Mewtwo's better quantity of healing/regenerating options
Was sent to the Assist Trophy dimension while Mewtwo got 3x on Smash
Mewtwo (Composite) vs Shadow (Composite)
Finally, let’s discuss the last version of this match. What would happen if both combatants were given a full composite? Unfortunately for Mewtwo, composite Shadow is far more likely to take the win in more scenarios.
Let’s start with what is arguably Shadow’s biggest advantage, stats. Every stat that could be argued for game Shadow is a lot more definitive in this round, and would surpass Mewtwo by most standards. Not only was the Super Genesis Wave powerful enough to destroy Archie Sonic’s multiverse, but it did so at a much faster rate than Giratina’s rift took to destroy the Pokemon multiverse. So even if we assumed the rift would’ve eventually destroyed infinite universes, the Super Genesis Wave would be more potent in comparison. And don’t forget that the energy used to destroy the multiverse is the same energy used to power Shadow’s super form.
Honestly, outside of solidifying an AP advantage, compositing Shadow doesn’t really do much that couldn’t be argued for game Shadow. If anything, all it does is just support arguments that could already be made for games.
For example, Shadow was already faster than Mewtwo, but Archie has more feats for him to scale to that would back up that stance, like the 1 nonillion c Sonic gram calc or Sonic Man moving through stopped time. You could already argue that game Shadow could restore his Chaos Control if Mewtwo disabled it because he basically does this against Devil Doom in Sonic x Shadow Generations. But if that by itself wasn’t enough to convince you, Shadow doing it against Feist and Eclipse with an emerald would back it up. Archie has more instances of Chaos Energy protecting and freeing characters from mind control and brainwashing. Sonic X has the Chaos Emeralds protecting Shadow from energy absorption. Archie does the same thing by shielding Mogul from the Egg Grapes. We can already argue that Shadow resists petrification and Archie supports that by having Chaos Energy protect characters from Ixis’ magic.
We can keep going on but you get the point. Shadow doesn’t resist everything Mewtwo can throw at him, but he can resist all of the abilities that would be considered “game-ending,” and compositing Shadow just adds more backing to that stance. Meanwhile, Mewtwo doesn’t really have an answer to Shadow’s Chaos Control. And while Chaos Control’s duration usually lasts for a few seconds in most games, Sonic X establishes that Chaos Control can last up to 90 seconds. That’s a minute and thirty seconds. That’s more than enough for Shadow to land a finishing blow, especially with a strength advantage.
“Thank you. I will remember you always.”
Mewtwo is still way more versatile
Me First would still work the same way as the last round (aka outside Chaos Control)
Mewtwo is still absurdly smarter
Mewtwo can still use telepathy and read Shadow’s mind
“You were right about one thing: this ends now.”
Shadow now matches and surpasses Mewtwo in stats regardless of what you buy for the genetic Pokémon
Shadow resists pretty much all of Mewtwo’s game ending haxes
Chaos Control’s time stop makes Mewtwo a sitting duck
Chaos Control can warp reality, something Mewtwo does not have defenses against
Composite Shadow has pretty much the same game Shadow advantages and more
Archie Shadow wasn't tainted by Ken Penders...
Sonic 3 outsold Detective Pikachu, RIP…
This is a rather complex match and the winner ultimately depends on what you believe is accurate and what you believe should be included in their composites. If you believe Mewtwo should be limited to the anime or that both Shadow and Mewtwo should receive full composites, then Shadow would likely win a majority of the time. If you believe Shadow should be limited to the games and Mewtwo should be composited with most media, then the winner just depends on which side you believe has the stronger argument.
It’s a very debatable fight, and you can make good arguments for both sides, but in most rounds, Shadow’s superior speed, counters, and time stopping powers are enough to defeat Mewtwo more often than not. Of course, this is just our opinion and you’re free to disagree. That’s the fun of Vs debating, am I right?
Oh yeah. A pun. Uh. Shadow showed Mewtwo all of him. Mewtwo should’ve thrown it all away and never turned back. Now he has to live and learn-All hail Shadow, ‘cause nothing can stop him now.
The winner is Shadow the Hedgehog.
About the Script
When announcing and sharing progress reports of Mewtwo VS Shadow, you might’ve noticed that there was a script in progress to be released alongside this blog. Unfortunately, the two writers (Ed and Yuki) didn't have the time nor the motivation to actually finish it. We apologize for it, but we hope you guys understand. Don't get sad, though! As we have a surprise to show. Check it out right below!
Fight Animation
WHAT??? YES! One of our members, Electrik, made a little animation for the matchup! Check it out for yourselves, he went hard on it!
Final Tally
(For the Old Episode Round)
Team Mewtwo (2) - Rina Antiqua, therealcalhoward
Team Shadow (7) - Strunton, Cyber, door-kun, Ed, Electrik, Flip, ishi_yuki
Team Zero (1) - Kaiser
(Animation also by Electrik)
Yall cooked with this one. Can't wait for the Nicktoons Royale and whatever you're planning with Astro Boy.
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