Prediction Blog: Sailor Mercury vs Cure Beauty (Sailor Moon vs Pretty Cure)









(and The Black Shulk)

“Beauty without intelligence is a masterpiece painted on a napkin”

-Barbara Palvin

Before We Start…

While the Sailor Moon manga will be used since it's the source material, the 90s anime will also be factored here since it expands greatly on Sailor Mercury’s feats, powerset, and equipment. Sailor Moon Crystal and its associated movies will also be used due to being a direct adaptation of the manga but with more clear visuals and timeframes. And, because the manga is admittedly very confusing and vague at multiple points, not using the anime would make this harder than it needs to be.

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Sailor Mercury

14 year old Ami Mizuno was not the average teenage girl that most people expect. She was a gifted student who always did very well in school, stayed on top of her studies and wanted to become a doctor like her mother. One day while leaving school, Ami met Usagi Tsukino and the two quickly became friends. During night school, Ami had an encounter with her teacher who was actually an enemy in disguise, attempting to brainwash students and drain them of their energy. Luckily for her, the hero known as Sailor Moon(Usagi’s transformed state) came in to save the day and to the surprise of both girls, it’s revealed that Ami is the one known as Sailor Mercury, the Guardian of Water and Intelligence and she would be an important member of the team in the future battles that would be fought by the Sailor Senshi. 

As a member of the Sailor Senshi, Ami shares the goal that all other Senshi do, which is to protect the Earth from the impending dangers that threaten it. There would be more than meets the eye as Ami Mizuno is actually the reincarnation of Princess Mercury from the Silver Millenium and ruler of the planet Mercury itself, who held an important duty of protecting Princess Serenity alongside her fellow Guardians, the Princesses Venus, Mars and Jupiter but fell in battle against Queen Metalia’s forces before being reincarnated in the modern day. When all the battles were said and done, Mercury would remain loyal to Neo-Queen Serenity in the future of the 30th Century.

Cure Beauty

Reika Aoi, 2nd year of Nanairogaoka Middle School, is hailed as the smartest and outgoing student of the school, having flawless grades, managing her duties as class representative, vice president, and even club activities. While in the middle of hosting a storytelling session at a nearby school, those present would be attacked by Majorina, a commander of the Bad End Kingdom, a group seeking to plunge the world into eternal despair. Casting a Bad End reality, everyone at the school, including Reika, would succumb to this despair. 

The Precures (a group of legendary warriors dedicated to protecting the world from the forces of darkness) would arrive to battle Majorina. After a short battle, the Precures are defeated by Majorina and her Akanbe, monsters that serve as familiars to the Bad End Kingdom. Shortly after, Reika would break out of her despair-like state, and move to protect the Cures from further harm. Her unwavering bravery would lead her into summoning a Smile Pact, and with some guidance from Candy, a fairy from Märchenland (a world of fairy tales), she would join the Precures and transform into her magical girl transformation, Cure Beauty. Using both her brains and newly found power, Reika overpowers the Akanbe, forcing Majorina to retreat immediately after. 

Joining the other Cures, the Smile Precure team is fully formed. They would then continue to battle the Bad End Kingdom, in the hopes stopping their plans from plunging the planet into sorrow, and the resurrection of their leader, King Pierrot.

Experience and Skill

Sailor Mercury

As one of the original Inner Sailor Guardians of the Solar System, Ami has fought several battles to save the planet and even the universe. She was the second Sailor Guardian to be introduced in Sailor Moon, and is considered the brains of the group, consistently displaying the most impressive feats of strategy in the series. 

Despite not being fond of conflict and direct physical fights, Sailor Mercury has fought fearsome opponents such as Prince Endymion, the strongest warrior of the Dark Kingdom, Queen Nehelenia and the Sailor Animamates, always relying more on her smarts than raw power to combat her enemies.

Cure Beauty 

As a Cure, Reika displays incredible hand to hand combat despite having no prior experience (par for the course as far as most Cures go). The first time she became a Precure, she single handedly defeated an Akanbe that had dispatched the other Smile Cures. Various other instances throughout Smile Precure show her matching commanders of the Bad End Kingdom like Wolfrun, Akaoni, and Majorina. She even fought against and defeated one of the strongest Bad End Kingdom villains, Joker, who's second only to Emperor Pierrot himself on her own twice. Her archery skills are also exceptional, with Reika having practiced archery even before she became a Cure. And, even though she had no prior experience in this either, she notably gains remarkable swordsmanship after becoming a Cure, and overwhelmed the aforementioned Joker (who was amped beyond his normal levels at the time) with this.

Even after the end of Smile Precure, she's still fighting against the forces of darkness that are threats to the entire universe with other Cure teams, and has shown to be on par with the more veteran groups that came before the Smile Cures, including the likes of Cures Black and White, the first Precure team.


Sailor Mercury

Mercury Crystal

The Sailor Crystal granted to her by her Sailor Power Guardian in order to transform into Super and then later Eternal Sailor Mercury. As the source of her power the Crystal contains her “Star Seed” or effectively life essence. 

Mercury Visor

A visor that is activated by tapping her earring. The visor can analyze her surroundings and provide Mercury with different pieces of data be it location coordinates or determining if a being is alive. It can even analyze more esoteric changes such as time being reversed (19:05) or space being distorted. With just an initial scan, she can detect potential danger, see through opponents, and notice the origin of energy sources


A small computer that Luna gifted Mercury near the beginning of the series. This allows her to make advanced calculations and run analyses on the environment around her. By collecting data, it can grant Ami multiple pieces of information, be it the physical makeup of an object (13:13), energy sources, (7:46) detecting distortions in space (13:55), or locating enemies through an alternate dimension that warps time. (18:34-19:09) Like her visor, it can also detect potential weak points such as sources of two separate illusions

Cure Beauty 

Smile Pact

An item that allows Reika to transform into a Precure. After opening it, Reika spreads magical power across her body, entering her Cure form [17:32 - 19:00] [Smile ep 5].

Reika can insert Cure Decors into her Pact to gain additional abilities, those being:

  • Smile ep 11 7:51 - 8:16 The Umbrella Decor creates parachutes for the Cures.

  • Smile ep 14 17:17 - 18:15 The Butterfly Decor gives the Cures wings to fly.

  • Smile ep 36 16:05 - 16:13 The Sports Decor produces a shinai to do combat with.

  • Smile ep 40 17:03 - 18:34 The Ultra Decor grants a “1000x” increase in power when in a pinch.

Some other miscellaneous Decors that Reika can use can be found here in the section titled “Normal Cure Decors”.

Princess Candle

Items formed from the power of the pegasus; given to the Smile Cures by the Royal Queen. The Princess Candles let them perform the group attack, Rainbow Burst.

Miracle Lights

Out of universe these are simple toys given to kids in theaters to cheer on the Pretty Cure. In universe they are magical lights created by the citizens of Planet Miracles within their factories and distributed across the universe to help the Precures out when they are in need. Its primary function is to grant the Precure strength in dire situations, often undoing negative effects such as being turned into crystals [48:00- 49:12], mind control [1:00:14 - 1:00:34], time stops, [35:51 - 36:34], restore erased memories [26:14 - 27:58], and retain memories after time has been rewound [32:21 - 34:00].


Sailor Mercury


…exactly what it sounds like. (3:14)


Thanks to her crystal, Sailor Mercury’s body will not age past “maturity.”

Healing Factor

When transformed, any previous injuries made prior will be healed. Injuries received during combat will heal as well, though not instantaneously and often after a few hours.

Environment Adaption

Being a Sailor Guardian grants Mercury the ability to survive in just about any environment, be it altered gravity (20:22-21:34) or the vacuum of space.


The most notable ability Ami has is the ability to manipulate water in a variety of ways. Her abilities vary from simple water blasts, to freezing opponents, to distracting them with fog. 

Shine Aqua Illusion

Mercury’s first attack, in which she launches a stream of water towards the opponent. 

Bubble Spray

An attack that shoots out a wave of bubbles, producing a fog that can distract enemies and cool down objects.

Shine Snow Illusion

A cryokinetic upgrade of the Shine Aqua Illusion. In this attack Mercury creates a mist that can potentially freeze opponents (20:41-20:50)

Bubble Spray Freezing

An upgrade to the Bubble Spray that Mercury obtains during the second season of the 90’s anime. Similar to the Shine Snow Illusion, this attack creates a fog that encases any opponent within ice

Mercury Aqua Mirage

An attack earned after earning the “Planet Power” upgrade from Neo-Queen Serenity. Through condensing a ball of water, Mercury creates multiple rapid fire blasts.

Mercury Aqua Rhapsody

The strongest attack Mercury obtains after becoming Super Sailor Mercury. By playing on her harp, Mercury generates a stream of water and attacks the opponent. 

Hyperspatial Sphere Genesis

A special technique that utilizes her Mercury Visor to create a small pocket dimension to avoid damaging the surrounding area in combat

Sailor Planet Attack

A combined attack that utilizes the energy of the Inner Senshi. Once in sync the Sailor Guardians release an energy blast that decimates opponents. (20:55-21:17). The technique can also be used in other ways such as flight. (33:30-34:07)


Cure Beauty


Of Reika’s abilities, the manipulation of ice is her primary one. With it, she can form various ice weapons such as swords and arrows, fire ice projectiles to freeze objects, create ice shields, and change the weather.

Beauty Blizzard

Reika charges her Smile Pact, and after enough energy has gathered in it, she draws a snowflake pattern in the air, combines them, then fires the now formed freezing projectile towards the enemy [20:10 - 20:43] [Smile ep 5].

Beauty Blizzard Arrow

An upgraded version of the Beauty Blizzard. Reika creates two ice swords, then fuses them together to create an ice bow, for which she uses to fire ice arrows. Her aim and speed with which she can fire are to a point where she can accurately hit multiple enemies in quick succession [8:26 - 8:55] [Smile ep 47].

Rainbow Healing

The first group attack of the Smile Cures. After they all join hands together, they shout out the Rainbow Healing incantation, after which a rainbow colored wall of energy will expand from them towards the enemy [20:07 - 20:37] [Smile ep 12].

Rainbow Burst

The second group attack the Smiles Cures gain halfway through the series. After transforming into their Princess forms, they each then fly into the air on their pegasus’, combining the energy from their Princess Candles, which then forms a single, large pegasus that fires rainbow colored energy towards the enemy [20:38 - 21:35] [Smile ep 23].

Rainbow hield

Reika and the other Smile Cures are shown to have the ability to create a magical rainbow barrier to ward off and repel attacks [1:06:06 - 1:07:10]  [Pretty Cure All Stars New Stage: Friends of the Future].


Along with resisting negative effects granted by the Miracle Lights, Reika has also resisted the following without them:

  • Smile ep 5 9:46 - 16:20 Resisted the effects of Majorina’s Bad End reality, which causes one to lose the will to live.

  • Smile ep 32 16:35 - 18:45 Breaks out of Joker’s Sloth Ball.

    • Joker's Sloth Ball seals people into a pocket dimension that erases the memories of those trapped in it. [00:00 - 2:40]. Same episode.

  • Smile ep 43 19:27 - 20:18 Saw through Joker's mirrored illusion.

  • Hugtto ep 36  20:25 - 21:20 Cures when transformed can resist the effects of a time stop. 


Sailor Mercury

Sailor Mercury

The initial transformation obtained once awakened as the Sailor Guardian of Mercury. In this state she obtains superhuman characteristics like strength and speed, alongside the ability to manipulate water. 

This base state would be upgraded several times throughout the series.Initially requiring the Transformation Pens, the second arc would see the transformation pens replaced by the Star Power Sticks. Eventually Neo-Queen Serenity would grant the Sailor Guardians an upgrade via “Planet Power”, no longer requiring them to use any items for transformations

Super Sailor Mercury

A transformation obtained after receiving her Mercury Crystal from her Sailor Guardian. This grants her access to the Mercury Aqua Rhapsody attack and allows her to break free of the nightmares created by the Lemures. While its power boost isn’t officially stated, Usagi when she accessed her Super state was stated to be tens of thousands of times more powerful than the Tairon Crystal. (7:12)

Eternal Sailor Mercury

The final transformation Ami obtained after the Guardians obtained the Holy Grail and utilized it to grant themselves immense power. At her maximum power she has displayed feats such as holding back an attack from a Galaxia Animamate, one of the strongest foes in the entire series.

Cure Beauty

Cure Beauty

The transformation Reika gained after deciding to protect the other Smile Cures from Majorina. While in this form, Reika gets enhanced strength, speed, and displays proficient hand to hand combat. She even gets the ability of cryokinesis.

As she gets used to her abilities and gets more experience over the series, this form would gradually grow even stronger, with Reika being able of performing abilities she struggled with initially, and matching stronger versions of the Akanbes and the Bad End Commanders despite being inferior to them at first.

Princess Beauty 

A form obtained after Reika and other Smile Cures successfully gathered all the missing Cure Decors and acquired the Princess Candles [20:00 - 20:42] [Smile ep 23]. The Princess forms are more powerful than the base transformations, as shown when the Smile Cures first fought against Emperor Pierrot, they were unable to repel his Bad End Cannon, but after entering their Princess forms, they were successful. They can even overpower the Super Akanbes, which are at least twice as strong as the normal Akanbes seeing as they're a fusion of two Akanbe noses.

Eternal Cure Beauty

The transformation Beauty takes in her adult years. The Eternal forms are noted to be significantly more powerful than all the previous transformations of the Smile team, boasting higher attack power and more durability, as Joker (who was also empowered by the energy he absorbed from Emperor Pierrot) could barely damage the Smile Cures at this stage.


Sailor Mercury


  • Easily the smartest Sailor Guardian

  • Defeated Berthier, the third best chess player in the world

  • Contributed to the defeat of powerful enemies such as Queen Metalia and Queen Nehelenia

  • Awakened her Sailor Crystal and connected with her Sailor Power Guardian

  • Saved the planet on multiple occasions 





Cure Beauty 


  • Served as both class representative and student council president of Nanairogaoka Middle School, and eventually became a teacher for it later in life.

  • One of the smartest Cures across the Pretty Cure franchise.

  • Defeated Joker twice by herself, who not only is the second strongest of the Bad End Kingdom, but was also capable of simultaneously beating the other Cures of Beauty's team.

  • Along with the rest of the Smile team, assisted in defeating King Pierrot, the ruler of the Bad End Kingdom, saving the world in the process.

  • Aided in saving the universe on numerous occasions with other Precure teams.

  • Part of the longest running magical girl franchise.


  • Smile ep 5 [19:15 - 19:50] Kicks a giant mirror Akanbe to the ground.

  • Smile ep 7 [17:17 - 17:30] Holds back an attack from a giant Akanbe.

  • Smile ep 15 [17:17 - 17:35] Stops a punch from a giant plant Akanbe.

  • Smile ep 18 [14:40 - 16:10] Overpowers an Akanbes in a tug of war with the other Smile Cures.

  • Smile ep 21 [17:43 - 18:06] Shatters the tree Akanbe’s chain.

  • Smile ep 23 [16:25 - 16:43] Defeats Joker with the Beauty Blizzard.

  • Smile ep 24 [17:02 - 19:56] Blasts away the Super Akanbe, which was stated to surpass all previous Akanbes.

  • Smile ep 25 [15:30 - 15:45] Stops a Kakigōri Akanbe from crushing Cures March and Sunny.

  • Smile ep 35 [18:22 - 21:00] Overpowers the fused Hyper Akanbe.

  • Smile ep 48 [12:05 - 14:43] Repels an energy attack from Emperor Pierrot with the other Smile Cures.


  • Smile ep 11 [18:42 - 19:13] Outpaces a pollen missile fired towards Cure March.

  • Smile ep 12 [16:12 - 16:59] Evades and deflects glass capsules fired from an Akanbe.

  • Hugtto ep 37 [19:50 - 20:10] Contributes to the All For You blast that envelops the Galaxy in less than a second. (19 trillion c)


  • Smile ep 7 [16:25 - 16:50] Endures a punch from a giant tree Akanbe.

  • Smile ep 9 [15:28 - 16:00] Gets kicked by a tennis court roller Akanbe.

  • Smile ep 13 [18:18 - 18:38] Takes an energy blast from an Akanbe.

  • Smile ep 23 [18:25 - 19:40] Gets blasted by Emperor Pierrot’s Bad End Cannon.

  • Smile ep 30 [17:47 - 18:14] Gets zapped by Cure Peace’s Peace Thunder attack.

  • Smile ep 45 [13:30 - 14:00]  Survives the combined energy attack of three of the Bad End commanders, the Bad End Burst.

  • Smile ep 46 [11:20 - 12:00] Gets hit by rapid fire magical ice beams.

  • Smile ep 48 [1:35 - 3:00] Survives an attack from King Pierrot that leaves a giant hole in the earth.

  • [Smile Pretty Cure! Novel] Is thrown against the ground hard enough to form a large crater.


  • Smile ep 5 [19:09 - 20:03] Quickly deduced which of the mirrored Akanbes was the real one.

  • Smile ep 16 [17:16 - 19:55] Correctly answers all of the Akanbe's questions without getting a single answer wrong.

  • Smile ep 20 [18:27 - 19:12] Detects an invisible Majorina and Akanbe by making it snow as to reveal their locations.

  • Smile ep 35 [12:45 - 14:22] Learns how to flawlessly pilot the Robo Happy near instantly after reading a manual.

  • Smile ep 43 [00:00 - 2:20] Was chosen to represent all of Japan to study abroad at England due to her incredibly high grades.


Sailor Mercury

Sailor Moon

Due to receiving similar power buffs and keeping up with enemies relative to her, Mercury at her peaks should be comparable to Sailor Moon for most of the series.

Sailor Guardians

Given they often take on and handle the same threats, Ami should scale to her fellow teammates.

Cure Beauty 

Bad End Kingdom

The Bad End Kingdom is a realm where the enemies of the Smile Precures are located, whose ultimate goal is to bring a Bad End to Earth and Märchenland (home of the fairies), causing everyone to fall into despair, and revive their leader, King Pierrot.

  • Smile ep 23 [18:25 - 18:41] A blast from King Pierrot’s Bad Energy Cannon can destroy planets.

Pretty Cures

The Precure All Stars films feature multiple Precure teams crossing over, in which they're all consistently shown as comparable to each other, Reika as well. This means she should scale to feats from other Precure series.

Dark Zone

A parallel world and the home place of all the villains from Futari wa Pretty Cure. These villains are portrayed as being on a similar level to Cure Black and White, who Beauty scales to through the All Stars films. This means she scales to all feats performed by these villains.

Never Ending Chaos

The main antagonists to the Witchy Precures. Their ultimate goal is to revive their leader Deusmast so he can continue to devour all planets in the universe, which he'd been doing before the start of the story until he was defeated by Mother RaPaPa and sealed inside the sun.


The main villains to the Star Twinkle Cure whose plan is remove all light from the universe (and unbeknownst to all the members save for their leader, Darknest, erase the universe and recreate it anew).


Sailor Mercury

For all of their strengths, the scouts have some notable weaknesses that are inherited by Ami. While her Sailor Crystal is powerful, it is also her life force and should it be extracted from her it can lead to her instant death (17:46-19:27)

Mercury is also by her own admission not the best physically (12:55) and prefers to utilize her smarts in a fight. (17:36-18:35).

Cure Beauty 

The Precure aren't without weaknesses, which some villains pick up on over the course of the franchise. Destroying the item that allows a Cure to transform in the first place (in the case of the Smile team, a Smile Pact), will forcibly deactivate the transformation, turning a Cure back into a normal girl [2:24 -3:05] (although notably this is generally only accomplished when the villain is massively more powerful than a Cure). Stealing it has also been shown to be just as effective in turning a Cure back to normal [24:38 - 25:08].


Does Sailor Mercury have infinite speed? 

The idea that Ami (and by extension most of the core SM cast) are infinite speed relies on the idea that the universe in Sailor Moon is infinite in size, ergo buffing any feats relating to crossing the entire structure as infinite. There are three pieces of evidence often used to push this narrative, and as you can tell from above we do not believe the info holds a strong ground..

The first piece comes from a line stated in Act 35 where Sailor Uranus says this to Usagi.

Given the context of the conversation about the nature and fear of loneliness, its clear the “spreads out to infinity” line is meant to be a way of Uranus telling Moon about how true loneliness can last for eons. This is more clear in the next page when the Outer Senshi describe their feelings at their respective stations.

Given they were stationed in specific locations such as the planet Uranus, it's very unlikely the line Sailor Uranus dropped was meant to be taken 100% literally.

The next piece comes from Act 19 where Pluto states that the Space-Time Rift has “no concept of distance or direction” 

Once again, context is key here. The lack of distance and direction comes from the storms constantly messing with the places that characters can end up. Ami even notes in Crystal that her coordinates were shifting when she was inside of it.

The Space-Time Corridor is dangerous due to the constant storms that affect and mess with the locations one can end up. A key is specifically needed to properly end up in a specific point.

No, the void being timeless isn’t the literal lack of time in any and all fashion. It's due to nothing and no one aging in particular when being a part of it, as noted by the next line when it's mentioned how someone is doomed to become a wanderer.

The last and notable piece of evidence comes from notes in the Eternal Edition Book about the concept of a static universe. 

Now to be fair of all the pieces of evidence this is easily the piece to use for an infinite sized SM universe. The wording is pretty clear cut and dry. So what’s exactly the issue?

Well for one if you take what the main series itself states a number of times this point is contradicted. The edge of the universe not only exists, but is an actual place that characters can travel to and end up in. In fact as the previous image showcased its a place most people aren’t supposed to go.

The idea that the SM universe has some sort of edge isn’t contradicted later either. At the end of the series where we learn about the existence of the Lambda power this line is dropped

“The power to turn everything into a static universe”

Now this is crazy powerful but as that wording implies the universe at that point in the story isn’t static, ergo not temporally or spatially infinite. It's a power specifically designated to the Lambda Crystal specifically. More importantly, it's not something that can be scaled back to Ami even at her strongest. Moon’s absolute peak of power required all the Sailor Crystals in the galaxy to combine and create the Cosmos Crystal. Two chapters prior, Moon battles the revived Sailor Guardians who are even stronger than normal due to having Galaxia’s bracelets amplifying their power. The result?


For the record we aren’t against Ami scaling to Moon, much less Eternal Sailor Moon as by this point Moon was way stronger than she was when she performed her big mirror feat. However there’s no way to scale Ami to the absolute peaks of her power given how a weaker Moon managed to one shot her while she had even more power than normal.

The TLDR of all of this is that the SM universe being infinite is unlikely due to having a clear established edge and the evidence pointing towards it mostly lacking in a good bit of context. The best piece that supports the idea of it being infinite wouldn’t even scale to Ami if accepted due to being the peak of the verse in power. 

Are the Pretty Cure All Stars movies canon?

Like its other fellow Toei Toy Commercials, Precure has numerous crossovers featuring every Cure in the franchise joining together to battle a great evil. One might think these silly movies are just non canon especially with how all these shows taking place on the same earth doesn’t really make sense…and while you might be right on the latter, the former is another story.

Even outside of the All Star movies there have been numerous crossovers within the main shows themselves:

  • Starting with Mahou Tsukai/Witchy! onward, the final episode of every series would have an appearance from the next show’s protagonist.

  • Solcière, who was the antagonist of the All Stars Miraculous Magic movie, makes a brief cameo in the final Witchy Precure episode.

    • The Witchy team also make an appearance in the Kira Kira A La Mode solo movie which was explicitly canon.

  • Episode 37 of HUGtto! had every Cure at the time make an appearance, including the All Star exclusive character, Cure Echo.

  • More recently Otona Precure/ Full Bloom, a sequel to Yes! 5, has 3 teams show up, with the Yes! 5 and Splash Star teams even recognizing each other.

Now, as said prior a lot of these shows taking place in the same universe doesn't make sense and lore-wise is weird, but that's likely just Toei being loose with Precure’s timeline. For the most part, they do try and establish the movies being canon though, given the amount of references to the movies, Cures recognizing each other even outside of All Stars, and the tradition of the next Cure leads briefing making an appearance at the end of a current show’s run.



To go over stats, Ami should scale to nearly all feats in the verse. She's consistently shown to be on par with her fellow Sailor Guardians, and scales to the Sailor Starlights causing a shockwave in their fight with Galaxia, which nets speeds nearing 4 trillion times faster than light. Usagi lightning up the universe gets even higher, solidly being over one hundred and thirty quadrillion times faster than light.

AP-wise, Sailor Moon has consistent cosmic feats that Ami scales to as well. Sailor Saturn is shown causing a star to explode in Mars' vision, which would be a solar system level feat. Saturn was even stated to be capable of "bringing the universe to destruction", and while that may seem vague on its own, this is backed up by Saturn destroying the Tau Nebula, a dimension that's said to be another universe, possibly even bigger than our own. Pharaoh 90 also reaffirms the statement by saying that Tau Nebula could envelope the milky way.

For Reika, she should also scale to basically all the feats in her verse. The Precure All Stars movies, including crossovers within specific Pretty Cure series, displays the Cures as being generally on par with each other. For speed, the verse has multiple feats in the MFTL+ range. Iikubo flying from the Garden of Rainbows to the Dark Zone is over a hundred and twenty quadrillion times faster than light, and this is as far back as the first Precure series. The Dark King, the original main antagonist to Cure Black and Cure White, fires an attack from the Garden of Rainbows to the Garden of Light as he's dying, and the speed this travels at borders on two hundred quadrillion times faster than light. Cure Seline also reacts to an attack from traveling through the warp, which sends out people and objects at speeds over two hundred quadrillion times faster than light.

Reika's AP should also be universal. DokiDoki has a statement saying Pretty Cures have power that rivals a big bang, and this shows throughout the franchise. The Splash Star Cures create a blast that was said to be comparable to the big bang, tying into the previous statement. The Star Princesses from Star Twinkle Precure created the universe, and the main antagonist of that series later erases it. The Cures then recreate it on screen.

To compare both their stats, both Ami and Reika are roughly even. Both should be over a hundred quadrillion times faster than light, and scale to the universal feats performed by those they've shown to be on par with. They both also upscale quite a lot, given they've grown stronger than when many of these feats occurred. Both Sailor Moon and Pretty Cure have multiplier statements as well for further upscaling if you really want to use them, but we aren't leaning too hard into those here.

Arsenal and Abilities

On the surface, Mercury appears to have a fairly easy way to take the victory. The Mercury Visor and Supercomputer have both showings of detecting weaknesses in an opponent, on top of the origin of energy sources. The Smile Pact would be an obvious target for her to either attack or steal from her, which would depower Beauty and leave her effectively worthless in a fight. Given the relatively equal stats this should be a simple win for Mercury correct?

Weeeelll not exactly. Right off the bat the Smile Pact isn’t exactly a fragile object. In multiple battles we have seen the Smile Pact been in large AOE attacks, be it beams or explosions. A notable instance comes from the Smile crew being hit by the Bad End Cannon, in which despite being damaged notably, the Smile Pact was still intact. The only times it has been directly destroyed have been through characters radically above the power level of the Cures, something which doesn’t apply to Mercury. If Mercury wants to depower Beauty, the more reliable method would be to steal the Smile Pact from her…

…Which isn’t likely either. Getting into a close quarters situation against Beauty is a terrible idea for Mercury given the clear disparity in H2H combat skills. By her own admission Mercury isn’t the best in a physical confrontation and prefers to use her smarts to win a fight. Useful in a team fight, less so when she’s on her own. In a hand to hand fight against a Precure-a series basically famous for being magical girl Dragonball-it’s unlikely she’ll successfully wrangle the pact away from Beauty without being punched away.

On top of this, Beauty in her human form has shown the ability to sense when her pact was being stolen from her [20:24 - 20:46]. With the amplified physical traits of a Cure, it’s even less likely Ami will be able to successfully close the gap to even steal the pact. It should say a lot that the only time this strategy has actually been implemented successfully was when the Cures were incapacitated and unable to prevent said stealing in the first place. Given she’s fighting an equal in stats, it's hard to see Mercury successfully pulling off a steal.

It’s unlikely said stats will remain equal at that. It’s been shown before that Cures mid-combat can get Zenkai-like boosts to increase their abilities. Within Smile itself multiple times, most notably when they fought their dopplegangers with the same general powers and abilities. After a quick motivational boost, they end up completely overpowering them. Another instance is when the Smile Cures first fought Joker, they lost easily, but that very same day, Beauty later matches him. Combine this with items like the Ultra Decor and Miracle Lights, both of which give massive boosts to Beauty, and those stats start to sway more and more into Beauty’s favor.

And when all’s said and done, Beauty’s natural abilities are a notable counter to Mercury’s. Her cryokinesis can counter practically all of Mercury’s hydrokinetic attacks, her swords would be fatal up close even with the healing factor, and the sheer AOE Beauty can cover would make even Mercury’s flight not so useful. Even Mercury’s Hyperspatial Sphere isn’t a reliable win condition as Beauty was able to break out of the Sloth Ball, which does a similar thing. With her options being whittled down more and more, the chances of Mercury being able to win one over start to become less likely.

To wrap this up, the methods Mercury has to depower Beauty are both risky and unlikely to work, and without that win condition her own abilities are simply outclassed by what Beauty brings to the table. 

Tertiary Factors

When it comes to other factors like experience and intelligence, while Beauty isn’t lacking in any of these categories, Mercury should take the edge. Her time as a Sailor Guardian has lasted much, much longer than Beauty’s career as a Pretty Cure and her intellect feats are just blatantly superior to Beauty as well. After all, her IQ is over 300 and there’s no reason to believe Beauty’s is anywhere close to that.

Combat skills however lie in Beauty’s corner. As mentioned before, Ami isn’t particularly great at physical combat, and Sailor Moon in general doesn’t have many notable depictions of CQC throughout either the manga or anime. By comparison almost every Precure has shown expertise in hand to hand combat, being a staple of the franchise. Not only has Beauty shown that she is no exception to this, she’s also shown to have knowledge in both archery and swordsmanship, implementing them consistently into her fights. When it comes to combat, it's very clear Beauty has the edge. 

Overall it’s fair to say Mercury and Beauty are fairly equal when it comes to more tertiary factors. Whereas Beauty excels in combat capabilities, Mercy surpasses her in intelligence and experience, giving both different ways to win one over the other depending on the circumstance. 


Sailor Mercury


  • Smarter overall with better showings of tactics

  • Mercury Visor and Supercomputer would inform her of the Smile Pact as a weak point

  • More experienced 

  • Bigger variety in attacks

  • Initially relative in stats


  • Would eventually be surpassed in stats by Beauty’s mid battle boosts

  • Inferior AOE

  • Hydrokinesis is countered by Cryokinesis

  • Outclassed in terms of H2H combat

  • Weapons such as swords and arrows would be more fatal

  • Has died 4 times between the original source material and the 90’s anime

Cure Beauty 


  • Would eventually surpass in stats with mid battle combat boosts

  • Cryokinesis would counter Mercury’s Hydrokinesis

  • More deadly weaponry with arrows and ice swords

  • More defensive options between ice shields and rainbow shields

  • Can break out of Mercury’s Hyperspatial Sphere

  • Larger AOE

  • Much better at H2H combat

  • Can sense her Smile Pact being taken 


  • Less intelligent

  • Would be depowered should the Smile Pact be taken or destroyed

  • Less experienced 

  • Smaller variety in equipment and attacks

  • Glitter Force


Overall, this is a close fight. With Ami's gadgets being able to clue her in on the Smile Pact being Reika's source of power, initially matching in stats, vast experience and taking the edge in intelligence between the two, it's not unreasonable to assume that in some scenarios, she could form a strategy to take it away, depowering Reika before she has a chance to catch on to her intentions. However, given the latter's defensive options to counter Ami's ranged attacks, multiple methods to get more powerful in the fight to break the initial tie in stats, blatant superiority in hand to hand combat, deadlier arsenal, and hard countering Ami's hydrokinesis, more times than not, Reika would put a freezing end to those attempts, submerging the Sailor Scout's chances of winning.

The winner is Cure Beauty.


Team Sailor Mercury (3): Serge, Ed, Mau

Team Cure Beauty (5): Strunton, The Black Shulk, Viviota, Joshski, Rina

Team Aqua (1): Kaiser


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